
This is the unique word I can express for the kind, fast, reliable and (again) great service from this company.

Let me describe the situation: my Digitrak worked great for almost 300 flying hours through a lot of turbulence around Europe.

While we were changing the prop (from fixed to CS), I mismatched some electrical stuff giving a "spark" that broke some Vans instruments and the Digitrak worked well, but suffered on the display. In other words it could engage and worked with the arrows, but the display was giving strange numbers.

I sent it to Trutrak, saying that was my fault and almost two years passed between the buy and the broke.

Sent to US, was back with no cost on it (actually i spent some money because of Fedex that applied agan custom taxes, but an error of Fedex not Trutrak).

What can I say?

Thanks Michelle, John (who speaks Italian 'cause spent some time in Naples!) and all the Trutrak staff. Be sure that I will, sooner or later, upgrade my autopilot and will be 110% a Trutrak!!!

Great news

I had a couple of issues with both my Pictorial Pilot and Altrak.

In both cases I was treated very well.

They really are great little units

Same Here

I had an issue that may have been my fault, Jim Y just sent me a new unit and told me to return the bad one in the box.

Jim is a treat to talk to in any situation. These are good people to do business with.
luigi_from_italy said:
While we were changing the prop (from fixed to CS), I mismatched some electrical stuff giving a "spark" that broke some Vans instruments and the Digitrak worked well, but suffered on the display. In other words it could engage and worked with the arrows, but the display was giving strange numbers.

I sent it to Trutrak, saying that was my fault and almost two years passed between the buy and the broke.

Sounds good; 'cause I kind of wired my Altrack with a mirror image of the four wire connector. In other words, reversed. The unit engages, but the green "Alt" light always stays on.

I guess I should get around to calling somebody. :)

Ciao Luigi,

nice to read you here too!

Yes, Luigi and I often go flying together on his beautiful RV7 I-AMEL, registered like that after Amelia Earhart, of course:


Good to know that the support from TruTrak is top notch, as you know I will sometimes in the future install an AP, and this information is further pushing me towards getting an DigiFlight II, which can easily fit in a 2 1/4" hole.

See you around Italy sometimes in the future, my friend!

Ciao, Luca