pierre smith

Well Known Member
Mornin' all. Up until the last couple of times, my ADI 2 worked well. Yesterday, I couldn't get the three bars flashing until I had turned it off and on a half dozen times??? I knew it was getting power because I could see the horizon bar react whenever I threw the switch.

Is there anything I can do to reboot or whatever? Or does it need to go back to TruTrak?

Thanks in advance,

I had a goto wpt in but it might not have acquired satellites yet. Other times it would give me three flashing bars without a goto.

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You should get three flashing, it will not show OFF until you get GPS signal. Possibly a power or ground intermittent???

I'm having problems today too... Got three bars, then off with GPS signal, power to the servo with variations when manual deviation is applied but no servo activation. Maybe it's the stars... :)
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True track

I have a digiflight in my plane, but it uses the same AP electronics according to TT. You may have an input GPS issue causing your woes. Try a reboot of your GPS. Twice I have had to Cold Start my Avmap EKP-IV (great hardware but notorious problem child when it comes to communication) to get the TT to function properly. I experienced issues very similar to yours. You should have 3 bars with no GPS data feed, and "OFF" if you have a valid GPS input. Also, make sure you are nice and still, and at low RPM when you boot up the AP. Gyro stability can be affected. Also, depending on your start procedure, low voltage after the boot up can cause lots of issues. I boot mine after startup on the ramp, at an RPM that doesn't shake the plane a lot. I have also had good results booting in flight while flying straight and level in calm air. Just for grins, try a reboot in flight in real rough air, and you will see the results that an unstable boot procedure can deliver. I also found that slower communications and drop outs occur after I split the data output signal to feed both my Dynon EFIS and the TT AP. I may forgo the EFIS feed, as I find I do not really use the data that is displayed.
Just some experience shared Pierre, hope it helps.
Call me if you need to at 910-620-3754
