
Well Known Member
Today I installed my battery and fired up my panel for the first time. It was very cool turning the Avionics Master on and seeing my COM and xpndr light up. Then I hit the EFIS switch and watched my Dynon come alive. Of course I turned on the map and cabin lights for full effect, plugged in my headset and listened to the CYOW tower.

There is a strange sound coming from my Trutrack Pictoral Turn and Bank instrument. It's sort of a quiet squeeky sound. Is this normal?


I can't say that I have ever heard any noise from my PP, Phil - but that doesn't necessarily mean that what you hear is a problem. Probably need to call Tru Trak and hold you phone next to the unit...;)

You're probably just hearing the little servo inside of the box moving a tiny bit. Nothing to be concerned about. The Dynon's have their click, the PP's their squeaks, so on and so forth!

Servo? Does this unit have a physical gyro spinning in there? I guess I assumed it was solid-state...
No, it does not have a spinning gyro and is completely solid state. But there is a small servo motor in there that moves the blue sky mask back and forth. It does make a small, squeaky-like sound that you can hear when everything is quiet.
No, it does not have a spinning gyro and is completely solid state. But there is a small servo motor in there that moves the blue sky mask back and forth. It does make a small, squeaky-like sound that you can hear when everything is quiet.

Good to know that, is it also normal for the horizon to roll 90 degrees ???? I am not flying yet, but last time I powered up the ADI, the horizon slowly started tipping over, fuse was just standing still in the shop. I pulled the breaker, havent done anything else as of yet.

Thanks for all your help in the forums.

That is most likely due to your battery being drawn down. We see this a lot when the engine is not running, i.e. charging system in a discharging mode. Connect a battery charger to your battery and or start the engine, it will probably work normally. Thanks!

That is most likely due to your battery being drawn down. We see this a lot when the engine is not running, i.e. charging system in a discharging mode. Connect a battery charger to your battery and or start the engine, it will probably work normally. Thanks!

I was kinda suspecting that low voltage might be the problem, thanks for the quick answer.