
Well Known Member
I need to install Servo mounts before closing wing and rear fuselage skins.

I was told, by a local expert, that the Dynon and MGL servos will fit the
Tru Trak mounts, as the servos are identical except for their electronics.

Are these three servos interchangeable in regards to fitting each others mount, I know they are not electronically interchangeable ?

My EFIS preference is the MGL iEFIS, however it may not be available in time, so I might have to revert to the Dynon Skyview. The plan is to install mounts that can fit either the iEFIS or the Skyview

Can anyone provide plans for the Dynon or MGL servo mounts ?
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"Plans"? Is anyone making mounts other than TruTrak? That sure doesn't seem fair if other manufacturers are telling people to go buy TruTrak's mounts after buying servo B.
Yes, I have found the Dynon mount kit at Spruce for $75. Question is will the MGL fit this mount?
I believe that TruTrak will not sell mounts without servos - because other manufacturers were 'ripping off' their mounts! There are drawings on the TT website.

Servo Mounts

Yes, most of the other servos currently available can be mounted using our installation hardware (Dynon, MGL, Grand Rapids)...and yes, we will sell the kits for the same price that others will sell them. Some of the more difficult installation kits do cost more than $75, but the RV kits are all $75 per axis.

Scott is right, it does kinda hurt to know the mounting has been copied...but the reality is that these things happen, and it benefits the industry as a whole if we offer some assistance.
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