
Active Member
Would like to hear from gemini users regarding using it as my primary flight display. I am VFR day only and realize it does not have a true attitude indicator. Thinking about pairing it with an IFly gps. Thanks
I think they are very good instruments, but IMHO, they have a reliability problem.

It works good when you park it, then next time you fly it?s cold, it locked at 15 degrees of bank.

I never trusted my pitch and bank with that instrument.
Would like to hear from gemini users regarding using it as my primary flight display. I am VFR day only and realize it does not have a true attitude indicator. Thinking about pairing it with an IFly gps. Thanks

If you are going to spend that much money, get a Dynon D10A and have a real EFIS.

Had mine for about 20 hours and it went to a 90 degree bank angle on startup. No way to reset or cage it. Removed it and sent it back to TruTrak for warranty service. It?s worked flawlessly since then. Currently 280 hours on the aircraft. I use it as a standby attitude indicator. Primary is a Dynon FightDek 180. GPS source for heading input is from an iFly720. Any attitude indicator can fail. IMHO with over 22k hours of flying, cross reference all instruments. Attitude indicators fail, solid state or vacuum, that?s why we practice and are trained for no gyro approaches. In a pinch, the iFly has a basic attitude indicator too.
My opinion is that I wouldn't want a smaller screen EFIS as my PFD.

I have a Gemini installed as a backup and tie breaker EFIS. All I say is that I would choose another product if I was going to do it again.

I had problems getting it to pass certifications tests. Lucas wanted the aircraft to be warmed up to pass the test. After three years of complaining about failing the certification test, he finally swapped the unit out this past year. I haven't attempt to get the new unit certified.
I put one in the RV-6 about five years ago, and over almost 500 hours it never gave a false indication or misbehaved.
I like my G5

I have a Gemini and a G5 to back up my Trutrak EFIS. I like Trutrak, but my Gemini locks up occasionally and I have to cycle it. My G5 has never given me any problems. It's much easier to set the pressure, and you can add a low cost magnetometer and get rid of your compass. It has never tumbled during aerobatics, is very bright and you can add a long lasting backup battery that requires no wiring.