Charles in SC

Well Known Member
I have an Auto pilot II in my recently completed -7. The heading hold works fine but when I engage the altitude hold it holds it for a few seconds then goes into a dive. I have checked the setup parameters and done the ground tests and everything seems ok. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Sounds like the elevator servo inputs are reversed. Verify the elevator pitches nose down when the autopilot controller is pitched nose up. If the elevator does not pitch the opposite of the controller, reverse the inputs to the elevator servo. DO THIS ON THE GROUND, NOT WHILE FLYING.

Very much sounds like the pitch servo is running backwards. You will need to add / remove the pitch jumper from pins 1-2 on the autopilot control head. Verify servo direction by pitching the control down and ensuring the stick moves aft…if it doesn’t the servo is running backwards.
I corrected the wires and it works much better, the problem I have now is that it holds altitude for a few seconds then starts correcting the correct direction but way overcorrecting. I have changed the number 5 setting and a setting of 1 seems to be the closest but still to much correction. Can I run it on a 0 setting?
Thanks in advance!
I recently replaced my ADI Pilot II with a TT Gemini / Bendix King xCruze 110.
With manual pitch trim I also needed to replace my pitch servo, and the new xCruze head tells me when it needs my help in trim (arrow up-down).

The Gemini/xCruise works well, except for minor porpoising of pitch in a turn. I used the RV-7 settings specified in the install manual.
Anyone else have similar issues?
Suggest setting adjustment?