tin man

Well Known Member
My turn indicator has finally ground down to a stop after 1100 hours. I used a push pull ckt breaker to turn it off when doing acro. The Tru Trak looks pretty good, don't mind the price if its quality stuff. Those that have used both what are your impressions. Does it act like an AH? Is it a bolt in replacement?
Tin Man
Good Choice

I have one as a back-up instrument. It works fine but is rarely looked at. No pitch info at all just standard rate turn indication and a ball. The sight picture is a little more intuitive as well.
I did the same thing, although my T&B went "coffee-grinder" at about 400 hours. The TruTrak T&B is great, lighter, easy to install (uses same plug) and doesn't mind being upside down. As Capflyer said, no pitch info. After a year or so I switched to a TruTrak AI (TruTrak gave me a good trade in on the T&B) - that was a more difficult switch, much larger instrument and has to be hooked up to GPS & Pitot, but having the track number there is really useful.
I did the same thing, although my T&B went "coffee-grinder" at about 400 hours. The TruTrak T&B is great, lighter, easy to install (uses same plug) and doesn't mind being upside down. As Capflyer said, no pitch info. After a year or so I switched to a TruTrak AI (TruTrak gave me a good trade in on the T&B) - that was a more difficult switch, much larger instrument and has to be hooked up to GPS & Pitot, but having the track number there is really useful.

Exactly the response I was hoping to get.