
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
"Paul, come listen to this - I don't think this is right!" Louise was getting ready to fly to work on a Monday morning a couple of weeks ago, and had just flipped on her essential avionics power to get ready to go. Sure enough, as I walked up to the airplane, I heard a sound like a tiny electric motor whirring and buzzing - and the pitch needle on her ADI Pilot II was buried against the ceiling. This was not good - not for the instrument, and not for our plans to depart on a major trip in just five days! A power cycle didn't make any difference, so clearly, we had a hardware failure. A quick ground check of the autopilot showed that it was not trying to drive in pitch, so this appeared to be an indication failure in the ADI only. Louise decided to drive to work and leave the airplane so that I could try and work the problem and get us ready to fly the trip.

It didn't take long to get a hold of Lucas at Tru Trak as soon as they opened, and he had no questions about the need to get the unit returned. We agreed I'd get it to them overnight and they'd do a same-day turn-around to get it back to us, with the only cost to us being the delta cost of overnight shipping. I "assumed the position" to remove the unit, and discovered that when we built the new panel, I hadn't left quite enough room to get the ADI backed out of its hole before it bumped into a reinforcing angle I had installed to strengthen the previously-butchered sub-panel (years of panel mods take their toll on an airframe). I puzzled on the problem for a bit, and realized that "puzzle" really was a good word - Chinese puzzle to be exact. I realized that I could remove the ADI if the altimeter was out of the way - but to get the altimeter out, I had to move the VSI...and to get it out, I needed to loosen the CDI head. Dang back-ups....;) All this really didn't add but a few minutes to the removal, and before long, I was on the way to the local package place to send it off FedEx.

I'll skip the story of how FedEx lost the package overnight, and therefore got it to Tru Trak a day late. Suffice to say, I wasn't happy...until Lucas assured me that we could still get it all done in time! He actually offered to send me a new unit instead of fixing ours, but after talking about it, we realized that the latest ADI Pilot II design differs slightly from the early unit we had. The Pitot/Static connections are now on a block which extends out the back of the case, instead of being right on the case itself. Given that I had virtually no clearance to work with, and little time to do any mods, I decided that I'd rather have the old unit fixed, and he accommodated. We had a shipper tracking number that afternoon, and the box showed up the next day, beating our departure deadline by 24 hours. Now THAT is responsive customer service!

Unfortunately, the need to have the old unit repaired is probably what got us into our next trouble - when we re-installed it, the turn horizon was rolled off 30 degrees, and the pitch indicator jittered like it had drank about a gallon of coffee. Fortunately, the autopilot functions worked just fine, and they continued to do so for the nearly 4,000 mile cross-country we flew the following week. As the ADI is a backup to a backup, I was not too concerned, and Lucas agreed we could deal with it when we got home.

Once we returned, this was on the top of our list (since ?Mikey? is Louise?s ?daily commuter?), and Lucas once again came to the rescue. Since I was concerned about fitting the new design into the panel, he suggested that he'd just ship us one to see if I could make it work. If it fit, I could ship the old unit back and we'd be done. If not, I'd send them both in, save some shipping, and get the old one repaired with less time pressure. Since the plane was obviously flyable the way it was, we elected for Tru Trak to pick up the ground shipping and take a couple extra days this time.

Sure enough, the new unit showed up in just two days (there is no predicting actual shipping times?.) and it was time once again to go diving under the panel. I was experienced by now, and removing everything was a matter of a few minutes. Sliding the new unit in place, I discovered that it physically fit ? but that I?d have to do a bit of panel grinding to get nylon connectors and pitot/static lines installed. Out came the die grinder, air hose, and other implements of destruction, along with the shop-vac to try and collect most of the filings before they fell to the cockpit floor. This worked pretty well, but it didn?t negate the need for me to wear a dust mask and eye protection, as nothing was going to get to the floor without going through me first. Ear plugs and hearing protectors were also essential ? have you ever used a die grinder in an enclosed fuselage space?!

Because the new design located the pitot and static ports right next to each other, instead of on opposite sides of the case, I had to do a little re-routing of lines. The two ports are close enough together that you can?t use two elbows right off the back, as there is no way to turn the second one with the first in place, so you need to use two straights, or an elbow and a straight, then adapt from there. Not a big deal. Reassembly was a matter of an hour, followed by another half hour of clean-up. Power on ? and all was well!

While it is never good for a company (or a customer) to have a piece of equipment fail, it is nice to know that when it does (and it WILL happen), the company is there to stand behind it and give a customer the kind of support they need to get an airplane back in the air. Louise and I use our planes almost every day, and down time is always a problem, so we look for companies that can respond quickly ? Tru Trak sure did this in our case!

Thanks Lucas,

Good to know, Paul. As I put hours on Smokey during Phase I, I'm discovering various bugs that require attention. I flew twice yesterday and have, so far, squished all of the bugs. Everything worked dandy.

One item that falls into the category of I'm-SO-glad-I-invested-in-this-gadget is my Tru-Trak ADI Pilot II. I've never flown with an autopilot before, and didn't really think I would use it much. Wow, was I wrong!

The really surprising thing is that I did the installation (with some help from Stein, naturally) AND IT ALL WORKS! Truly amazing. :D

Kudos to Tru-Trak for making a GREAT autopilot that even idiots can install. If the day comes when I need service from them, it's nice to know that I can depend on them.

Do you have a pic of the protection Mikey has over the subpanel/radio area to prevent water from ruining his ability to communicate?
...and other implements of destruction...

Still waiting for the 27 8x10 color glossy photographs with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was...

or is there a seeing-eye dog in this story, too?
Beginning to wonder

I'm really glad to find this response. I'm having some frustrating issues with my ADI Pilot II from TruTrak... I'm on my second unit since putting my plane into service in November 09. My problem is that the units (each of them) will tip to the right at a 90 degree attitude then the pitch bar will drop to a 10 degree pitch down while in flight and stick in this position. The first unit i was asked to send back for a replacement. Now the second unit is doing the same thing:eek:

This system is causing me real heart burn with reliability I hoped it would provide. I have had Techinical inspections to my wiring, preformed ohm test to all wiring and the problem appears to be in the inner workings of each unit. Can't find any issues but want input if any is out there.

I'm now two weeks waiting on a little info from TT and don't have any clear communication as to what they are planning to do. Yesterday I recieved a "hang in there" e mail from the quality control department so I'll keep my fingers cross ....but as to all the post of how great this product preforms, I'm not there yet.:(

It makes me happy to see others recieving quality customer service and tech support. Hopefully this problem will get worked out but I'm open to see if anybody has had similar issues and what, if anything, they found to help solve the problems.

Still no contact

No response from trutrak yet...:( I'll post when any info gets to me...I have sent them reminders to not forget me but I'm really feeling forgotten....
What do they say when you call them Mike? Obviously, they aren't going to answer on the weekend, but I generally get a human on the phone during the week - it's harder for them to obfuscate with you when you're an actual voice!

Hi Paul,

You make a good point but my job and my week days haven't allowed time to make any personal calls so I've had to utilize e mail to request help. Just frustrated because I have only had weekend time to think about and fly my airplane.

Also, I am hoping to see if others are having similar issues with thier ADI II pilot. They've replaced it with a second unit since my first flight in November 09 and its still got issues that they can't seem to explain what is the problem. Like I said, Its great to hear your post of good service... I'm just not there yet and confused as to what is going on with their units. My confidence is really low with the product right now. :(
I have been having similar issues with my ADI as well but it is more of an intermittent type problem. One day I heard the same noise and the pitch went all the way to the bottom. I flew with it and bank was extremely lazy and no pitch at all. Since that day it has worked more or less but always starts with about 5 to 10 degree of pitch down. My call to TT wasn't super encouraging as they told me that if it does not fail all the time, they may not be able to help me. This is the second unit and like Paul I have to pull my altimeter and airspeed out to pull the ADI out. So, I have left it for during my annual which is coming up next month. I am hoping that they can figure this out. Not so happy with it.
You make a good point but my job and my week days haven't allowed time to make any personal calls so I've had to utilize e mail to request help. Just frustrated because I have only had weekend time to think about and fly my airplane.

In post #8 I suggested that you may want to post to Trutrak's support forum. In looking at the forum this morning, I didn't see any posts there concerning your issue.

Since you are unable to give them a call via business hours, I highly recommend you post to the official Trutrak Support forum. Lucas usually updates all posts there on a daily basis as well as getting support from other users that may have experienced something similiar in the past.

Here's the url again:

I can't explain why they haven't responded by email.

My other bit of advice is that not all companies are email saavy as you would expect these days. You'll find with these vendors, your frustration levels will be greatly reduced if you can find time at lunch or on a break to give them a call.

We have a backup battery on the way to you to see if this will impact the issue. That is shipping to you today. Please let me know what you find when you get that. Thanks Mike!
Updated Fix for ADI II

Thanks Lucas for the follow up!:eek:

Today, I recieved a Lithum battery back up with an manual switch to engage the back up battery. I'll try and get it installed and tested in the next few days. The fix is to try and smooth out or rather, remove the voltage waves by passing the current thru the battery back up.

My alt is a plane power (brand new) so we're testing to see if the ap is sensitive to the voltage waves in my existing power flow and that could be causing the pitch and roll action in my ADI II.

My current power flow is being drawn from my main bus so power is already flowing from my existing 12 v battery, thru a breaker on my main bus via a stand alone circut to the ap. Here's hoping for some good results.

Again, If others are experiencing this and have found a solutions please post. TT is wanting to chase down a fix. I've had a couple of PM so I'll keep posting to get this down and squashed.
Thanks Lucas for the follow up!:eek:

Today, I recieved a Lithum battery back up with an manual switch to engage the back up battery. I'll try and get it installed and tested in the next few days. The fix is to try and smooth out or rather, remove the voltage waves by passing the current thru the battery back up.

My alt is a plane power (brand new) so we're testing to see if the ap is sensitive to the voltage waves in my existing power flow and that could be causing the pitch and roll action in my ADI II.

My current power flow is being drawn from my main bus so power is already flowing from my existing 12 v battery, thru a breaker on my main bus via a stand alone circut to the ap. Here's hoping for some good results.

Again, If others are experiencing this and have found a solutions please post. TT is wanting to chase down a fix. I've had a couple of PM so I'll keep posting to get this down and squashed.

No problem Mike. Let me know how it all turns out.

Just to clarify, it's a NiCad battery pack, not a Lithium ion pack. Thanks!