
Active Member
I've never had any trouble downloading the GRT Nav Database updates until today. The file I get on my computer after downloading is a black file that says "exec" on the file with a name Nav.db.db.

I usually get a white file image with no "exec" with the file name Nav.db

Can anyone help? I know that I am not doing anything other than downloading the file from the GRT site.

I would suggest calling GRT directly. They will answer the phone and if you do have to leave a message they are very prompt about calling you back.
I would suggest calling GRT directly. They will answer the phone and if you do have to leave a message they are very prompt about calling you back.
I just downloaded the database, no problems downloading on to a windows 7 based PC. Have you changed your computer or settings?
Thanks...I think I found problem

Thanks for the responses. The file from GRT is O.K. as you have confirmed. The issue was with my memory stick. According to Apple, sometimes one is lucky in that they do not have to format the memory stick to take the download. I guess I have been "lucky" or the last couple of years. But, they said, "eventually" if one does not format the memory stick to take the download from an Apple computer, at some point, it won't work. So, we formatted the memory stick to take the download from an apple computer and at least the file appears as it always has on the memory stick.

The next step is to see if my GRT EFIS will upload the reformatted file...