
Well Known Member
I am having trouble with the Garmin aviation database manager. It simply will not load - I click on it in the start menu, and I can see it running in the Windows task manager for a few minutes, then it disappears and never actually starts. I'm running Windows 10.

I have rebooted the computer several times.

I have uninstalled the database manager, downloaded the installer, and reinstalled it. Same problem as before.

I have also tried to use the old system on, but the Garmin connect add-in that the website says I need is no longer available on the Garmin website, despite the link telling me to install it on Garmin's website.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Any suggestions? I called the Garmin 800 number, but after listening to the hold music for 30 minutes, I gave up. I have also emailed G3expert, will post a solution if I get one.

I am having trouble with the Garmin aviation database manager. It simply will not load - I click on it in the start menu, and I can see it running in the Windows task manager for a few minutes, then it disappears and never actually starts. I'm running Windows 10.

I have rebooted the computer several times.

I have uninstalled the database manager, downloaded the installer, and reinstalled it. Same problem as before.

I have also tried to use the old system on, but the Garmin connect add-in that the website says I need is no longer available on the Garmin website, despite the link telling me to install it on Garmin's website.

Has anyone ever had this problem? Any suggestions? I called the Garmin 800 number, but after listening to the hold music for 30 minutes, I gave up. I have also emailed G3expert, will post a solution if I get one.

When you reinstalled it, did you run the file as an administrator? I have had that happen before...
Install MS C++ redistributable files.

I found a thread on how to download and install them and since then the GADM program has run perfectly.

The files are named, VC_redist.x64 and VC_redist.x86

If I remember correctly I first found a thread here on VAF about it.

Sure made a difference for me.

Here's the post that sent me in the right direction. It's post 19 on this thread.

"I just experienced the same issue on my Dell laptop, so I was looking at this thread. I called Garmin support (Saturday afternoon), and amazingly the guy had the answer immediately. He said to open an internet browser and Google search for Microsoft C++ Redistributable 2015, then download the appropriate .exe file for my system. Mine is a 64 bit laptop, so I downloaded the x86 version. I ran the vc_redist.x86.exe and suddenly the Garmin Aviation Database Manager works! Hopefully this helps someone else too."
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Thanks for the "run as admin" suggestion. Just tried that. Same result. It showed up in the task manager for a few minutes using 30% of the CPU and about 1000 MB of RAM, then disappeared. Never actually loaded as a usable application.
No solution?
I had the problem again after I updated GADM a while back. Working like a champ, updated, then no workee. It would hang up, stall at 50% while downloading, say standby, files are loading. All the usual garbage messages.
I deleted the program, reinstalled and still sluggish to not working.
I finally formatted my data card and all was peaceful in the world.
Mine has always at least opened though.
try cleaning your cache and manually deleting ALL of your TEMP files on your computer.
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