
Well Known Member
Good day, I am having trouble updating the ADS600. I have a PC with Win7 and a Sabrent USB to Serial cable and driver. I downloaded the UAT program, but I can not get my PC to talk with the ADS600. I followed the UAT instructions and conformed the driver, the ADS600 has power and the MX connector is good, but when I run the UAT program it sees the com port for the cable and accepts it and goes to the next screen, but then I get a "UAT Not Connected" yellow box. Any ideas where to start to troubleshoot? Thanks
Good day, I am having trouble updating the ADS600. I have a PC with Win7 and a Sabrent USB to Serial cable and driver. I downloaded the UAT program, but I can not get my PC to talk with the ADS600. I followed the UAT instructions and conformed the driver, the ADS600 has power and the MX connector is good, but when I run the UAT program it sees the com port for the cable and accepts it and goes to the next screen, but then I get a "UAT Not Connected" yellow box. Any ideas where to start to troubleshoot? Thanks

You got two potential areas to validate.

1. Is your usb serial port working as designed? Some are a little flaky. I have no experience with your brand. Do you have another serial device you can use to validate the serial port is working properly? An old modem sitting in a closet?

2. The connector for the maintenance port has a wiring problem. You can validate the basics visually, but finding an open circuit or short will take a little more effort.

You can get a program called TeraTerm, it's an open source terminal emulator. Bill used to recommed using it to configure the ADS600B manually.
With the terminal emulator set up to the appropriate settings, you should be able to communicate with the ADS600B manually. Type "READ ALL" should return the current configuration.

If you have TeraTerm set up correctly, then you have a problem with either #1 or #2. Then the fun begins.......

btw, I'll probably be doing the same thing in about a week.


p.s. In case you don't have an older manual

This tutorial assumes that the ADS600-B is connected to a Personal Computer (PC) which is running a terminal emulator such as TeraTerm . The TeraTerm terminal emulator can be downloaded from:

The baud rate of the terminal emulator must match that of the ADS600 maintenance port. The terminal emulator is configured for: baud rate 115200 bps, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow control. Refer to the Interconnect Diagram: ADS600 Maintenance Port to Computer section for a diagram of the ADS600 maintenance port to PC serial port connection. Refer to the TERATERM section for a description on how configure the terminal emulator.

I can send you the old manual if you want to see the whole tutorial for TeraTerm.
The TeraTerm option no longer works. The NavWorx SW has been changed and now requires the UAT software to work.

Define works....

I understand that you need the UAT for current software updates and configuration.

However, all that Barry needs to do is to see if the port is working. Unless Bill has disabled the output on the maintenance port, TeraTerm should at least show a display.

Once he can validate that the port is working, then he can go back and use the UAT configurator.
When you get TerraTerm connected now all it does is show random characters tabbing across the screen. It would be hard to see if its good data or not. It would at least show that SOMETHING was there, so perhaps there is some residual value to doing that.
Another possibility even though it is remote, they changed I/O connector pin-out at serial number 850. If you have an old unit and it has not been factory updated, you may not follow the current manual. Newer units have 5VDC on pin 3 and older one used it for part of the maintenance port (I don't remember whether it is for RX or TX).

By the way, when I stopped by their booth during SnF, they told me that the maintenance port also output complete ADS-B data just like the display port.
I guess that would be dependent on your serial number. For example, I have a pre-85x unit that UAT has never been used, so I assume that TeraTerm should still work.
Another possibility even though it is remote, they changed I/O connector pin-out at serial number 850. If you have an old unit and it has not been factory updated, you may not follow the current manual. Newer units have 5VDC on pin 3 and older one used it for part of the maintenance port (I don't remember whether it is for RX or TX).

By the way, when I stopped by their booth during SnF, they told me that the maintenance port also output complete ADS-B data just like the display port.

One of the things I don't like about the new manuals is that he took out the old pin assignments. So I have to keep two versions on the manual around for reference.

That's any interesting tibit about the maintenance port. AFS uses the display port as well as does WingX. I haven't spent the time to see if the configs are identical. I've asked Bill several times, but there is something going on between him and Hilton. Neither seem to want to answer technical questions around WingX and the ADS600B.

It would be an interesting experiment to see if the WI-FI adapter would work on the maintenance port (I would have to add the 5vdc pin) Thanks for mentioning that Ted!

I will also be updating my ADS600B in a day or so. It is serial 974.
I'll report results.

Where is there an update posted for the 600B? I checked Navworx website and didn't see anything.


It's all relative. In my case, I have a pre-850 unit that has been sitting on a shelf for the last 1.5 years. I have multiple versions to skip to install the most recent.

Since Barry is attempting to get a serial port and the UAT installer working, so he has at least one update to perform as well.

I don't think anyone mentioned a new update.
The "update" for the 600B is in the UAT software you get from NavWorx. They update the software and it contains the update for the UAT and you then update the UAT once you connect with it.
It's all relative. In my case, I have a pre-850 unit that has been sitting on a shelf for the last 1.5 years. I have multiple versions to skip to install the most recent.


An older unit may not be compatible with UAT Installer. If you have difficulty doing the update call Bill while you are working on it (with your PC connected to the unit). He can tell you if you have to send your unit back for firmware update. A bug was corrected at certain version and the newer one can not installed over the old version (or something like that). I did just that.

To get the new updates you have to go to the 'Store' on the NavWorx site and 'buy' the update, then you can download and install. I am going to check my pinout then check with Bill to see if he can troubleshoot. Thanks all for the info
New Firmware

I was able to talk to my ADS600 with TerraTerm and the Read All comand. I spoke with Bill and he said I need new Firmware to work with UAT, so I have to send it back. I have serial# 890 as a reference; he could not give me a serial# when the update is needed. I'll update this thread when I get it back.
I also had heard that as well. Unfortunately, I've sent Bill multiple emails with my serial number asking if my unit would need the hardware upgrade. He refuses to respond to those emails. He's answering other of my emails. I just don't understand his erratic support. If he just missed a single email, I could understand, but not multiple. It would be nice if he had a support forum like other vendors have done.


I found that calling him is the best way to communicate. He missed a lot of my emails too. However, he was very helpful on the phone. I am quite sure that you will have to send your unit back for firmware upgrade. Only after that you will be able to do updates using UAT Installer.

Did he give you any indication on turnaround time? I'll have to give him a call in the morning when I can have my serial number handy.



So is there a compelling reason to do the update? I've had mine installed in the RV-10 for 2+ years now.


So is there a compelling reason to do the update? I've had mine installed in the RV-10 for 2+ years now.



The most compelling, at least for me is with the latest update from AFS for the 4500s and from NavWorx, you can see data tags on the targets. Nice for tracking down friends in the air.

Here's the fix list: (sorry for the bad formatting)

Added capability to program WiFi Module.
UAT Console, updated FAA aircraft registry data base to 12/28/2012.
292, 293, 265, 261, 255, 68
Modified software for TSO certification.
NexNav Mini GNSS Sensor Input, changed logic to prefer WAAS over FD.
Added ARINC Pressure Altitude (label 203) as an option under the Altitude Encoder List (of the UAT Console).
Fixed altitude reporting for altitudes above 131,072 feet.
Added UAT status monitoring. Status is output to UAT Fail Annunciator of ADS600-B. UAT status also added to blue bar of UAT console. Status panel illuminates yellow when warning indicator is present (ICAO address incorrect, GPS position failure, UAT TX/RX failure, RX monitoring failure, TX rate

Release 3.12.4 (Date: 12/06/2012)
The following issues have been resolved for ADS600-B release 3.12.4. Issue #
ADS600-B transmitter incorrect output if starting up with TXCP inputs enabled

Release 3.12.0
The following issues have been resolved for ADS600-B release 3.12.0. Issue #
Support: Modified software for TSO certification.
Adjusted transmitter bias voltages for better performance.
Configuration of SIRF III and IV internal GPS is now the same.
Bug: Resolved flashing call sign issue.

The following issues have been resolved for ADS600-B release 3.11.0. Issue #
Feature: Implemented ability to use GNS480 as control head without an attached Garmin transponder. This is a useful feature for those aircraft not equipped with a Garmin transponder, but a GNS480 is installed in the aircraft. The GNS480 must be configured for SL70 transponder on TxD6/RxD6. The TIS-A port is used to send emulated SL70 messages to the GNS480, making it appear to the GNS480 that an actual transponder is attached. A serial altitude encoder must be connected to the GNS480, and does not have to be connected to the ADS600-B as the GNS480 provides its altitude information as well as the transponder mode info (squawk, ident, ModeA/ModeC).
Bug: The MX20 IDENT flag was never being cleared.

I found that calling him is the best way to communicate. He missed a lot of my emails too. However, he was very helpful on the phone. I am quite sure that you will have to send your unit back for firmware upgrade. Only after that you will be able to do updates using UAT Installer.

I did speak with a woman at NavWorx this morning. She implied that I didn't need a firmware update, but the upgrade is a little complicated for somebody that may not be very IT literate. You said you basically get started with Teraterm and manually set the unit, then switch to UAT.

Bill is suppose to call me back later today.

I actually had two upgrades. The first was on 12/2011. I believe it was for hardware change. After they switched to UAT Installer, I had problem updating (last Fall?). After worked with Bill over the phone for a few tries (no internet in my hangar to download different versions of UAT). Finally he said that he had to change the firmware in his shop. Since the 2nd upgrade I have no more trouble.

Thanks for the info on upgrades in the "store." I "bought" the current upgrade yesterday and went to the hangar this morning. Update took about 5 minutes. No problem at all.
NavWorx Update

I sent my box S/N 890 back for the update Bill said I needed. They had it for 2 weeks and never quite said what it needed but did upgrade the software to the current 3.12.5; and sent it back no charge for the work or shipping. I configured it today with the UAT software and test flew it and all is good; ATC liked it and I had good traffic and weather. Bill did say the new software fixed some bugs, so if you are having issues you may want to update to the UAT software. Blue Skys