Well Known Member
This fly-in could have been named the VAF cap and T-shirt fly-in as well. Saw lots of them and got to talk with a few. Moonpie and I borrowed a '46 Ercoupe to make the trip. In and out on Saturday. Nice and cool Saturday morning when we arrived, but the 7000 ft. , up hill, grass runway, with density altitude about 3000 ft was almost not long enough for our departure!! :) Can't wait to get the RV flying. Engine is due to arrive first of next week. Lots of good lookin' RVs there. Bunch of other good stuff as well. These pictures don't show how many planes were there, but was probably 300 or so.

Great shots, Robert! Triple Tree weather was truly perfect today. Well organized, and the tower and ground handling crews were superb!

We enjoyed our short stay and that place amazes me each time.. it truly is heaven on earth..
Good photos

Nice photos RC. Enjoyed meeting you on Friday and hope to see you in Central Florida when yours is completed.
First off, let me say, Triple Tree is one of the best fly-in's out there. It is put on by pilots, for pilots. No shutting the runway down for warbirds, formation flights, acro displays, etc.

This fly-in is simply about people and planes.

You need to plan on being there next year!

Second, I had a great time talking to and meeting many of you for the first time.
It was great meeting everyone this weekend. Nann & I met so many nice people. She really enjoyed the Ladies day out on Saturday where they went to a local trick horse trainer and lunch.
The Triple Tree group were always friendly & very accommodating.
The facilities were clean including showers.
Camping is the way to go.
I will definitely be there again next year.
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Triple Tree is/was very nice. Next year I'll be staying more than one night.

I landed on rwy 21 about 6:30 on Friday. I had no idea (until short final) that 21 is a downhill runway with a 100' drop along its length. I turned final a little fast and glided and glided down that hill, with the hill's slope seemingly matching my glide ratio. After gliding 2' high for an embarassingly long time, the wheels finally started rolling on the amazingly smooth (rolled, sanded, and irrigated) grass runway.

Later that evening I was at the upper pavilion where food is served. I saw the two guys who parked next to me sitting at a table with two other people and one open seat. I asked if I could join, and was welcome.

Turns out that the other two people at the table were Pat and Mary Lou Hartness - the owners. Great people with a real passion for aviation.

By the way, sitting at the table with the Hartnesses had benefits. The folks running the concession brought our table the last 6 banana puddings. Being from the South, I've had a lot of banana pudding in my life, but that was the best, by far...
Pat is the coolest gabazillionaires I have ever known. He is a great host to thousands of his aviation buddies each year. The model guys really turn out in numbers for their events....have been for years and years. It all got too big for his home airstrip so he built Triple Tree.
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I agree. This fly in is a class act. The runway is spectacular, and the event draws a very large number of fly-in and drive-in people from all over the South East. And the timing in the Fall usually has wonderful weather. We were there for a few hours on Saturday, but definitely need to stay longer next year.

Triple Tree is spectacular!

I'm told Pat built this place just to host the Joe Nall RC fly-in, this full-size fly-in, and for his private use. Here's a view from up by the main hangar. The lake is big enough for amphibs. All the grass (everywhere!) is manicured. The runway extends from way off the photo on the far left to way down in the trees on the far right. The control tower hill is in the middle of the photo. The main fly-in area is out of sight on the far side of the control tower! None of this is a camera trick; the place is huge.


Your host, Pat Hartness. (terrible picture, hope he forgives me)


Had a really good swing band at Saturday's BBQ dinner.


Spent most of Saturday morning in a lawn chair in the shade under the control tower, rating landings.

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