
Well Known Member

First, as a former aerial photographer, one would think I would have brought a better camera than my iPhone. Alas, I did not…sorry

Well, It all started Oct 12 when family/life issues came up and I needed to wing my way West again from Venice, FL to Albuquerque. My lovely wife and I loaded up and I decided to RON in the Dallas area as a 10 hour flying day wasn’t in her cards…(neither were the very high winds forecast for central Texas) but we did get an early start :)


Landed KLUL Laurel, MS for fuel and then pushed on to KOSA Mt Pleasant, TX where we had about 6 hours in and decided to RON. Sorry, DR, I would have preferred Northwest 52F and the Van Cave but my bride wanted something more….. Oh, well, next time.


The next day, winds over West Texas had subsided so off we were to Tucumcari, NM (fuel) and our final stop at 0E0 Moriarty, NM where my friend and F-111 jock Tom Bender welcomed me to his hangar, again :). Don’t know who the guy on the right is…. SkyKing somebody :D


So, I spent about 6 weeks in Albuquerque doing my family duties and watching the weather windows deteriorate. The mountain pass for I-40 was closing at times because of weather and I didn’t want my RV-6 stranded in New Mexico until next spring. Yeah, I know, these airplanes fly in snow but this Florida pilot doesn’t….anymore. Besides, Tom’s hangar doors don’t open with a foot of snow against them.

I did get to visit and see a number of old friends and the last run of another homebuilt at Moriarty. Nemesis broke more records and retired to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. 405.9mph …. hmmmm, gotta reduce the drag on my -6.
Link to Nemisis NXT website and records info:


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Part 2


After a query to the VAF braintrust, I decided an end run to Phoenix (Glendale, as suggested by VAF Pazmanyflyer Carlos in Arizona) to visit a long-time friend was in order.
November 19th and an early morning 23* temp launch, a genuine fighter escort by Tom in his RV-6 over the mountains had me making South fast.



When I landed Glendale, I rolled into the ramp area next to another Red/White RV-6. As I dismounted, I did a double take at the tail number. N198G. My RV-6 is N198RV. What were the odds?

Turns out “G” belongs to VAF member, RV-6 builder/pilot Jordan Grant from Las Vegas. Jordan is an F-16 driver for Uncle Sam. He was TAD to Glendale, had just finished his training and was driving his -6 back home.



I made the most of my 2 day visit with Jim Brown, meeting his wife Mary and seeing his daughter Jessie again. The kids are cute as heck and it was nice visiting. I even managed to get Jim up flying in my -6. He is a HUGE aircraft nut, like most of us, and had followed my build when we both lived in Ohio. Jim was one of my first Taylorcraft passengers on a very cold, snowy Ohio day (many moons ago)



Did I mention Jim was an airplane NUT. :) He moved near Luke AF Base so her could watch the F-16’s, F-15’s and now the F-35’s everyday.


The kids were bashful but grandpa wasn’t :D

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Part 3


A VERY windy, rainy front was moving across Texas to Florida when I launched for home Saturday morning 21 Nov.
My plan (actually, Paul Dye?s plan that I looked up on VAF) was to follow the South route around White Sands Restricted Airspace and continue to check my Stratus/Foreflight weather as I proceeded across New Mexico and West Texas.

Not a lot out there between Arizona and east Texas. Moonscape, salt flats, wind farms and oil rigs. I did manage to route where I had an airport within gliding distance, if needed. Cruising at 11,500? helped and the tailwinds were awesome. 200kts club again several times.




Some interesting aircraft at some of the fuel stops.


The plan worked and after landing in New Mexico and West Texas for fuel, I was running out of daylight when I went back in to KOSA Mt Pleasant, TX for a RON. Winds were still pretty strong at 24kts but blowing right down the runway, ?just the way I planned it?, if you believe that one. By the way, GREAT people running that airport. 2 old police airport cars and room in the lounge to sack out for the night if one wanted (Vlad, you catch that?) I opted for the Hampton Inn.


On the ramp at Mt Pleasant?..

Part 4


The trip home the next day was uneventful with clear skies all the way from East Texas to Northern Florida. After a KOSA takeoff and crossing the mighty Mississippi?..


I landed 2J9 near Tallahassee, FL for fuel and to check weather closer. While I was there I was treated to a few people jumping out of perfectly good airplanes?.. I don?t know about them but the ramp at Quincy was unusual. Hard surface runway and grass ramp and fuel area. Hmmm.


Pretty cool FBO building though.


As I stated, the flight was uneventful but I forgot to mention beautiful as the sun was going down over the Gulf of Mexico and I was between cloud layers with ATC Flight Following. Checking my Stratus/Foreflight periodically showed lots of alternate airports that were clear of clouds near and South of Venice.


As I was cleared thru the Tampa Class B I found some large holes just South between Tampa and Sarasota where I ducked underneath and into Venice.




Great trip made possible by a great airplane. Total time for my round trip was approx. 25 hours.

Keep pounding them rivets? It is SOOOO worth it.

And thanks to Doug for a great site that helps people like me to build airplanes that are truly magic carpets.
Great Trip!!!!

Hey Gary......really glad you took time to post those pics and writup! Great shots......even with an eyephone. Its trip posts like this that renew and give a booster shot of motivation when job, life, and so many unexpected things divert the building process!!!:). Thanks again Gman!!
Great writeup Gary. Looking forward to seeing you at SEF when our 14 is finished. Hopefully in February or March.
Nice piece of aerial journalism enjoyed reading very much! Thanks for the tip Gary.

Turbo - Thanks but I'm headed back to ABQ in a few days (commercial ride) I miss my Florida buddies:)

Roger - Can't wait to see your -14. Who's going to make initial flight, You or Myra?

SkyKing - great seeing you again and thanks for everything.

Vlad - I'll take that compliment from the best in the business :D
Awesome trip, Im right here in Sarasota. My Hummel ultracruiser is based at 48x Airport Manatee. I hoping to start my RV7 next year, love to see your 6 one day.
Awesome trip, Im right here in Sarasota. My Hummel ultracruiser is based at 48x Airport Manatee. I hoping to start my RV7 next year, love to see your 6 one day.

Jeremy, thanks and I'll be glad to take you for a ride someday as a little motivation. PM me you email address and I'll add it to our Sebring RV breakfast club list. Maybe you could go with me someday.

Search "Sebring" in the archives and you'll get stories like this:

Jay, as always, just trying to follow in your footsteps :)