TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
Morning all. Took a drive to Synergy Air South in Newnan, GA to meet several RV builders yesterday. Dustin Stern is building a 14A with SDS injection, Krea Ellis is building a 10 with SDS, and Scott Calkins is finishing his 10. Charles Dempsey's 10 was there awaiting some decent flying weather. Had some long converstations with Allen Nelson, the head building supervisor, on what little things we may do to help THEM.

One of the things we found was they liked to use the Matco clear brake reservoir. Admittedly, it does look good, and you can see the brake fluid. BUT---it does provide a problem for install. The discharge port is on the bottom of the reservoir, verses the aft side on the Vans version. Also Vans has a pre-punched hole for its installation. Using the Matco version, it's mounted with the bracket from the top, and a series of NPT fittings pass through the firewall, and sealed with proseal. There wasnt a way to really secure the passthrough with a bulkhead fitting to a branch tee in the cabin. Secondly, the port and fitting is 3 inches lower than the standard location IF the reservoir bracket is screwed to the upper horizontal firewall rib.

SO----We think we'll work on a retrofit fitting for this. 2) its can utilize the original firewall hole IF the reservoir bracket is mounted above the horizontal rib with a doubler. Saves closing off the original hole and drilling another one.

I'll let you know how it turns out!
Thank you Tom!

Just so you know - Tom drove over four hours each way from his home in SC to SAS in Georgia.

When I arrived, Tom was already looking at the issues on my plane - before we had even discussed them. He could see a need and was working possible solutions.

I think every airplane under construction at SAS has components from TS/AS Flightlines. This kind of outstanding customer service is why.

Well Tom,

If you?d have told me you were coming this way, I could have shown you how I did mine.

Works great. Wouldn?t do it any other way.

Warn me next time. 😉
Vern--I have the concept in mind, I have a reservoir coming from Spruce so I can test fit it. Idea is to use the Vans pre-punched hole, instead of having to make another. Minor mod for the bracket.

Scott---gee man, this was a quick trip- had to get back. You know the deal. BUT---unfortunately for you---I do have to go back!! LOL

Scott---I have a similar idea. MIght not be such a big deal on the 10's, but on the 14's, the firewall hole is spaced so the original Vans reservoir and screw into the horizontal upper rib on the firewall. The Vans reservoir discharges from the back side. The Matco Clear reservoir has a separate adapter and discharges out of the bottom. So if you mount the Matco version on the horizontal rib, the fitting is about 2.75 inches LOWER than the original firewall hole.

So the choice is to seal the origin hole and make a new one, or to use the original hole and move the bracket mounting holes up. This would mean adding a doubler to the area just in front of the aft facing panel rib.

Seems like I remeber you and I worked on your version several years ago? My new idea is a minor variation of that original install.

Driving to Ga.

?Tom drove over four hours each way from his home in SC to SAS in Georgia.?

Does Tom not own an RV? Probably would?ve been an hr and a half flight.
Craig----uh yeah----eventually it will be a 7A. Started in summer of 2015, stopped due to surgery incident for a while, got married to my bride Suzanne, then she was diagnosed with Stage 4 MBC Breast cancer. I stopped to take care of her. LONG story as most now know---lost her in December. Just need to get off my butt and get going again.

Oh and in the meantime, expanded GREATLY our business to help all of you!