Ron B.

Well Known Member
We just got invaded by a Russian. Question, how do we get rid of him??
I'm sure he will post about his trip.
We got invaded by Canadians at Carbondale IL today

We all seem like nicer friendlier people now. Is Vlad having a good time?
Ugly American invades Red Square:


Bob Axsom
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He must be as he is contemplating delaying his Seattle (I think that is where his plans were) trip and returning for our seafood chowder fly-in on June 23rd. He has the weather Gods in his pocket. We had thick fog here for two days and 20 min. before his landing it cleared. Today is beautiful and we plan on touring the coastline in the SuperCub.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day up here. If you happen to be coming over Stanley way, let me know I'll jump on the bike and go pay you a visit.:)
Hi Vlad
I checked at noon and you were just crossing the Hudson. I checked this evening and your track showed you tracking back up north from Princeton. Any idea why? Glad to see you made it home safely, enjoyed your company. Only problem is now I'll have to build a 9.
Hi Vlad
I checked at noon and you were just crossing the Hudson. I checked this evening and your track showed you tracking back up north from Princeton. Any idea why? Glad to see you made it home safely, enjoyed your company. Only problem is now I'll have to build a 9.

There were couple of stranded APRS beacons trying to get back to Nova Scotia Ron I need to catch them and put back inside my tracker. :D BTW in the midst of Gulf of Maine I saw whales breaching. I was too higher for a good shot but it was very impressive. See you soon buddy!
Voyage to Hidden Paradise

Trip was well planned thanks to Ron Belliveau who responded to my question What's up in Nova Scotia? with Come and See. Now Ron owns it.

Hop in my RV and up I go. Glad to be out of this.


Crossed some taiga plenty of landing spots.


In two hours was descending to Bethel Regional Airport in Maine.



Cheap fuel here topped off. Cool terminal with well stocked fridge. Not a single person around and it's nice Saturday morning. Made couple phone calls to foreign government institutions and left.


In the midst of the Gulf (of Maine). An interesting thing I figured out. If you don't see both shores and there are clouds build up the engine indeed sounds differently.


I was briefed on local weather. That corner of Canada I am heading to is always misty. Doesn't matter if weather is excellent all over Canada, Nova Scotia still would be foggy. The good thing about fog is it's keeping all those VFR pilots out of this paradise otherwise invaders would be here in large numbers...

Finally I can see some land.


Found my first foreign airport.


Customs time!


Nobody showed up at declared time, I made a phone call to CANPASS just to make sure I am all right. They said good to go.

Ron grass strip is 8 minutes from Yarmouth. Identifier CLE4. I've never seen such smooth, wide and large grass field. Ron spent 16 years building it. The area was foresty and he made huge hill on one side to level the runway. He said he enjoyed the process very much. He operates his RV10 out of it as well as Cub on floats and a Cessna.


My RV enjoyed company with Ron's planes. She was never by a seaplane in her life.


Then we drove to a famous local restaurant. Ordered famous local seafood dish and a brew. Yum yum somebody missed a lot.


After the meal Ron showed me the vicinity and introduced me to his friends and partners.

This is a strip owned by one of his buddies.


Then we checked the cottage of his partner Allister.


Combat dog. A bit aged but still very sharp.


Allister's experimental Cub. He and Ron own almost identical ones.


Remember we are still at the cottage. In couple minutes a boat goes afloat.


Now look at this Russian. Without personal Gulfstream jet, seven figure exec pay and mega yacht. Nobody believes me I know :D

That's where I ended for the day. Far from civilization, no phone and no internet.


Ron left me transportation I never needed.


Tomorrow will be another more exciting day!
Couple small mistakes, one is the other grass strip doesn't belong to a friend. It's an airpark , belonging to a group of pilots. And lastly , you were not in total wilderness you did have a phone, you just chose not to use it. And, what did you watch in television, Oh ya I wasn't supposed to mention that.
Couple small mistakes, one is the other grass strip doesn't belong to a friend. It's an airpark , belonging to a group of pilots. And lastly , you were not in total wilderness you did have a phone, you just chose not to use it. And, what did you watch in television, Oh ya I wasn't supposed to mention that.

Oh I thought the Finlay airpark belongs to the guy we met there my memory is excellent after couple beers. :D

Your cottage is absolutely totally isolated from mainland. It's a beautiful spot.


Tonight I will get to your shipyard, formation seaplane flying and fishing boat excursions. Please visit to correct I might miss something again. :D

I slept like baby. Fresh air and absolute silence. No fire trucks no night ambulances nothing. Woke up to this idyllic scenery.


Then I saw a TV in the corner and a remote. Guilty clicked :D. Only once.

Next minute somebody was knocking the door :eek: Ron's brother-in-law Harold showed up. Hey who are you wanna go fishing? Hail yes! Sorry, Harold this is the best picture I got out of two dozen :)


They keep log of all fishes they caught.


With Harold's help I caught one too. If the bass kept that big mouth shut he would never got caught :D

First Seaplane Ride

In 20 minutes or so we heard upcoming sound. That familiar sound of healthy Lycoming you can not miss. Ron was coming to the cottage with his experimental seaplane.



We stopped fishing and peddled to the dock.


I've never been aboard a seaplane. I've seen them at Oshkosh and at some airports but never rode in one. Looks like Ron is determined to correct that :)

He built this beautiful Cub on floats and already put a lot of hours on it. Flew some distant places like Newfoundland and somewhere else exotic.



He talked me through every procedure.

Ron's plan was to fly shoreline for sightseeing then meet his fellows aerial sea men for some group action.

Interesting tectonics.


A flotilla of fishing boats.


Lobster season is over.


Sheep islands right there. Bare rocky islands only sheep live there.


A fat guy didn't care who is overhead.


A picturesque lighthouse tourist magnet.

Here is his first wingman Allister.


And here goes the second Brad.


Tight formation of Her Majesty Royal Experimental Seaplane Coalition. You should be onboard to experience the thrill.



Landing (or watering????) was planned on one of tricky lakes only Brad knows. No wonder he keeps cottage there. There is no electricity there for sure he runs generator to get electrons for his TV :D

Remote place.


How to get to the shore? There is only one little dock but three seaplanes landed.


Only this way :D

Brad built this cottage himself. He told me details how he shipped building materials and stuff but it was beyond my comprehension.


Chit chat and out.


Landed at Ron's grass JFK. He could make it even if he lands across it's so wide.



Time for a break then we visit The Shipyard.
Awesome trip. Sorry I missed it - sure hope you've got plans to go back again!

(...and the Cherokee's alternator is working again).
Ron Belliveau Shipyard

Ron is a fishing industry titan. He builds and repairs commercial fishing boats. All types and sizes. He knows every single boat in local harbors.
His empire includes several huge hangar style buildings one of them is almost NASA tall.

The tallest building can accommodate very unique vessels. The most interesting part for me was the back door. Huge rolling door, Sweden made, it was bought first then space style hangar was built around that door. Ron is expanding the facilities.



In one of his shops sleeps this beauty. She is undertaking a makeup.



This lobster trawler needs a lot of work done. Prop shaft is bent.


This huge hull is an old style mold. Ron doesn't make this type of boats anymore.


Instead he is making something contemporary to the market needs.


And another one. No wonder that RV10 of his is so sleek and fiberglassy.

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Boat excursions

Ron drove me to several marinas and showed boats he made and serviced. Each time he met a captain he got a request for a part or a mechanism. We visited his shop briefly and already several fishermen showed up for spare parts. They see Ron's truck they come. On Sunday.

I got a crash course on lobster catching


herring trawling


and swordfish harpooning.




I never thought the trip would be that pretty.


At home his ladies are not wasting time either. They have a hobby monetary comparable to Ron's airplanes.





The same day a new horse was bought for Ron's daughter. White horse I didn't have camera with me.

Ron has very comic license plates regarding this hobby but I won't post it. :D
Well, everything good ends fast. Early Monday morning I departed hospitable Nova Scotia. I had plenty of time to get to my airport then drive straight to work second shift.

I did a low pass waived to Ron and left.


In the midst of Gulf of Maine I saw whales breach. It was high for a good shot but view was spectacular. Only this time I wish I had a high wing. There were several whales playing but by the time I focused the camera they were blocked by wing. Then in couple minutes it was only white flashing spot.


Approaching Bangor for customs. The officer was courteous and fast the procedure took 5 minutes.


Then I climbed higher opened oxygenator and in two+ hours was over NY class Bravo.

Thank you Ron very much! If you are in our hood please let me know. I don't have a cottage but I'll get you a mattress in my den. :D
Love it


Once again I sit at my desk and drool and dream. You are killing us with all these great trips and stories.

You have way too much fun!

Remember, i am not working this summer. I expect that you will visit both of my houses at least once!

;). CJ
Lost an email

Ron I accidentally deleted an email with route of your Labrador/Newfoundland trip. I want to replicate that trip sometime next year. Please remind me the main points.

PS; I planned to make CYFB via CYYR early August but postponed it. For now it's beyond my capabilities.