
Well Known Member
Robin and I started planning the trip in February. I could not manage to get there last year but this year I took a personal day at work and up we went.
Robin rented the plane out of Solberg NJ and his nephew joined us as a crewmember. Weather was great and we were lucky because we were heading West. Those who planned their trips to the East were surprised and confused by huge TFR. It popped suddenly early Sat morning on very short notice. Probably Commander-in-Chief was on his way to a Broadway Show.
Anyway weather was great, bigger than usual blue windsock indicated little x-wind.



Up there we picked up FF and enjoyed the trip. English Captain is instrument rated, current and in charge so no worries for Russian Navigator and American FO here.


ATC was helpful. Otherwise we would miss that Dash.


Scenery was wonderful.


As we got deeper into Pennsylvania, clouds were forming. In the spamcan we were flying the AI felt the clouds and started acting a bit. But we got the right Captain so no worries again.

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Said Thank you to controller on duty and started to descend listening to Bloomsburg traffic.



A flight of three was coming and we were trying to locate them. Instead we found a Cessna on downwind which was nice to see too.


spacing is good turnigh final


After landing we were assigned "FollowMe" car and it led us to the farthest corner of the airport:) I was trying to raise a question about discrimination but Robin said it's better to park farther than closer. At least nobody will see on what plane we arrived.



We were a bit late for Lycoming presentation but still had good time. An R&D guy was talking about breaking in new engines. He said couple phrases I liked: first 15-20 hours run it hot and wet. The other one was: the cheapest things for your new engine are oil and gas.


Polished metal attracted not only airplane builders but bikers too. The guy was probably looking for a know-how for his HD.


This Rocket has the panel worth my whole airplane


Nice paint job


and interesting sticker. Yes that round one in the middle.

Flying dogs. First time I see aerial animals live. This guys have a special stand installed in the baggage compartment of their (and the owners') RV where they can stand tall and direct their captain and navigatrix. I have an example how they do it. They fly without headsets by the way.




Oh, their names are not Belka and Strelka but Fred and Ginger. They drive Rich and Pat Zeidman in their RV7 N42PZ.
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There were aerobatics and flybyes, multiple take offs and landings. Organizers did outstanding job to put everything together. For a visitor like myself the event was smooth and well thought of.

Couple of mods caught my attention. Flap position indicator.



there was nice gear leg fairing made out of metal but I could not find the picture. It's definitely in one of those albums referenced above.

I feel simpathy for this heli. He was trying to catch some attention taking care of the lawn but visitors were busy with the airplanes. The Heli got bored and fly away to look for his rotary-winged buddies.

Where else can two animals like these coexist peacefully and be very close to each other? In Bloomsburg of course.

Veteran AgCat and sexy canard.



Both have something to boast.

AgCat proudly exposed her powerful P@W radial and visitor can peek on her glass cockpit. The canard was loaded with lots of full size bicycles to show the capacity of back seats and baggage compartment. Or may be she is working for a Shimano dealer? She also has little windows under the fuel tanks. What those windows are for I could not even imagine.


It was excellent day and it was short. The Archer of our age patiently waited for us. Loaded, started, moved. Two RVs flew by probably giving escorts to guests.


Goodbye town Bloomsburg. We will be back!


On our way home we spotted a gliders nest. They are living right near that gap in the ridge. There is a river and a power station nearby. That glider's heaven is fully served with thermals. We spotted two soarers but my inferior optics could not make those shots.

Did some distance guessing on the way back. "Captain, if it quits, can we make that airport?"


"No, too far." OK, give me couple degrees bank to the right. There is one right here.


" What if here... it quits?


We could land safely by that tunnel, traffic is low...
Vicinity of N51 our destination. Squawk 1200 thank you.


The same blue blimpy looking windsock indicates the same light x-wind. We are home.


It was nice to meet you AIRPLANES. I am familiar with many of you but I do not know many of your owners. We talk in cyberspace a lot but rare reveal our identities. Some of you are real celebrities and I am glad I met you. Next time I'll bring my brand new plane to join you. Fly safe!

PS There is a modified version of the trip adapted for different audience. In case if somebody is learning one of critical languages there is a story in Russian http://www.reaa.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1243979037/0
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Very Nice


Thank you for the trip report! Sorry they parked you out in left field. Next year you will have front row parking in your RV :D.

Thanks for attending.
Goodbye town Bloomsburg. We will be back!


.... and we came back exactly in one year as promised. I think it's cool to quote myself :D will do it in this thread for years to come...:D

This time we drove. I harnessed my little yellow pony Mini and we headed to Stroudsburg, PA to pick up fellow RV-8 builder Ben. Ben is quick in making right decision, tracked me on APRS, jumped on the vagon and in couple hours we were in Bloomsburg. It feels like couple minutes driving two hundred miles of Pennsylvania twisties when two builders talk RV language :D


Weather was interesting. Mother Nature painted the radar maps in green here and there but RVs were on the way.
Weather, weather. It was like that here since 1932.


Good weather for fishing though. Mighty Susquehanna river flows just yards from the airport.


We started from here. Western omelets, hashbrowns and other stuff. Tasty.


Several airplanes made it to N13.




Dick Hammond's RV-9. One of the few with conventional gear. 100% made by one man in two years at a farm. Impressive. I won't longer complain about those rivets impossible to buck.


This year Jim rode a "FOLLOW ME" bicycle. Budget is tight, it's understandable and they are building new runway :) See that pile of dirt behind?


It looked like he was FOLLOWING the RV-7A instead :D The other old and bald guy wearing VAF hat :D was in command. He also knows where Zaporozhya is.

Jim gave me a ride in his legendary orange six. What can I say - Wow and wow one more time. Thank you Jim. Picture taken by Gregg Swartley a fellow RV-9 builder.


Photographer taking ride himself. Those RVs are roomy.


My new friends.


It's about time to say Good Bye and see you next year! The same town, the same airport, the same thread on VAF!