
Well Known Member
I am tired of my barbers. Since I moved from New York City to a NJ province I struggle to find a barber who can keep his/her mouth shut. Recent aerial reconnaissance yielded a barber shop in other state where no appointments were needed. Friday was good (payday), weather shiny and I was stupidly happy. Slipped off work a bit early...

According to the windsock the trip to the barbershop should take 37 minutes.

Past Bowman's Tower, a commemorative monument to George Washington and his army.

Past a celebrity house on the PA side of Delaware River.

Past Doylestown PA airport where hangar spaces are premium.

By a gulag where they make very expensive custom license plates for RVators' cars.

Destination reached. Amish county.

Barbershop is on the other side of the street. Try to cross it... traffic is heavier then on Park Avenue.

Amish babushka almost rode me over with her stallion.

Finally I crossed the street.

This is my barbershop! It took 14 minutes to do the hair and the barber spoke only 4 words spaced 10 minutes apart - how short & thirteen bux... love it and will be back!

It was still plenty of daylight and I took a detour on my way home. Found a swamp with thousands of fat white geese. Spent 15 minutes counting them and herding back to the marshes. Practiced slow flight too...

That's all about barbershop. Next time I will fly to shopping I discovered an airport by a mall.
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Smoketown is a great airport. Marlin, the owner is a good friend. His son, Kendall! runs Lancaster Aero, the paint shop on the field that painted our -9A.
Hopefully you had lunch while you were in Smoketown.

I recognize Graterford prison- spent many hours thermalling over it when our glider club was based at Collegeville.
most entertaining writeup, and with a sideline...

...safety reminder. the spring migrations are underway and the flyways are all cluttered up with non-transponder-equipped feathered traffic. everybody keep your eyes peeled out front esp now and esp around bodies of water...
He's done it again! Another one for the bucket list. I'm just wondering where to put the long range fuel tank in the RV-12. Scott, any suggestions?
You're doing it wrong. The whole point of GOING to a barber shop is the ranting of the barber.

That's why during the Vietnam War, I had a crew cut because the more worked up the barber got about hippies and peaceniks, the harder he used the clippers on my head.

Plus, it's the only way to find out what the news is in Mt. Pilot.

You're doing it wrong. The whole point of GOING to a barber shop is the ranting of the barber.

That's why during the Vietnam War, I had a crew cut because the more worked up the barber got about hippies and peaceniks, the harder he used the clippers on my head.

Plus, it's the only way to find out what the news is in Mt. Pilot.


The only thing more fun than reading a Vlad trip report is dragging out old photo albums to see what hair was....
Vlad - you should write a book someday, with lots of pictures. You could title it "$200 Free Lunches (and $100 Haircuts)". John Purner might might let you see it on his $100 Hamburger website.

I personally use Ray's Mens Styling just off OBT in Orlando.

Best haircut in town - free advise given, as the sign says.

Ben and Jen run a fine establishment, however from Yorkshire England, it is a way to fly.

We stop our Orlando's at the end of October, so now, I kind of look a little shaggy.

Off to MCO tomorrow, the season starts, so will be sat in his chair on Saturday. Will try get some snaps - fly back Saturday, then fly back on Tuesday for Sun n Fun.

And there wasn't even a picture of the new cut.

That was my first thought. My second was, he never told us how many geese there were in the pond. At 2 lbs of poop per day, I was interested in calculating the fecal coliform load on the watershed...well not really but thoughts of old jobs die hard.
Hair Cut

Glad you finally got that unruly mop trimmed. Now you will be able to get a much better sunburn on the top of your noggin at SNF.
Only Vlad can have a 25 picture write-up about getting a haircut. Keep em' coming. They make us smile.

Sid that is true!

Vlad how much was it and did you barter for a better price?

Now you have a haircut maybe that cute Russian waitress will give you the time of day :)
Sun n Fun Haircut?

Hey Vlad.....it appeared kinda "hairy" flying around all those geese:eek: Hopefully you made a good "clip" on the way home.:D
Vlad, couple things:

1.The celebrity house you flew over was Governor Valcik's weekend retreat.;)

2. If you don't speak Dutch, the barber is pretty quiet.:D

and C: You walked past the world famous Smoketown Diner, fly in anytime and have a good meal for 5 bucks. The best kept secret in airport eats. 10 of us from 58M (cecil co., md) converged on it last sunday for 5 buck meals. Reasonable fuel also (for you all that buy that stuff). :rolleyes:
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Glad to keep everyone entertained. The haircut itself was $13 plus $3 tips but logistics behind it took two weeks and ate couple hundred in gas. I would call it a $313 haircut :eek: :D
Hey Buddy, I'm certainly glad you did not need a cut when you visited. You remember the wife, I doubt she would only have had four words during your sit.
I had her read your post and she had a good laugh. Actually I've been thinking about your post myself, I think I know why you are upset with a talking barber, less chance for you to chime in!!!
You should think of a television reality series with all this following over a hair cut. Myself, I've got nothing else to do now with my kits completed and over 12" of fresh snow on the ground, more than we usually get all year most years.
Glad to keep everyone entertained. The haircut itself was $13 plus $3 tips but logistics behind it took two weeks and ate couple hundred in gas. I would call it a $313 haircut :eek: :D

The dishonorable John Edwards would think that was a deal!!
Hey Buddy, I'm certainly glad you did not need a cut when you visited. You remember the wife, I doubt she would only have had four words during your sit.
I had her read your post and she had a good laugh. Actually I've been thinking about your post myself, I think I know why you are upset with a talking barber, less chance for you to chime in!!!
You should think of a television reality series with all this following over a hair cut. Myself, I've got nothing else to do now with my kits completed and over 12" of fresh snow on the ground, more than we usually get all year most years.

I completely forgot about Carolee Beauty Saloon. I can taxi straight to it. After I grow long hair and beard on my Alaska trip I stop by Nova Scotia for a crew cut :D


he never told us how many geese there were in the pond. At 2 lbs of poop per day, I was interested in calculating the fecal coliform load on the watershed...well not really but thoughts of old jobs die hard.

Cousin Don what pond are you talking of? This one? :D

There were a duck, a swan and a tiny birdie of unidentified origin. I don't think you harvest a lot of coliform from them :D

Cheers from VA when cousin is not home :D

forget the fecal stuff----I`m thinking of GOOSE LIVER PATE on French bread with a gin & tonic----Vlad---great pix and narrative as usual---stop at SPRUCE CREEK for lunch on your way south(7FL6) Call me--603 205-4727---John Fleurent
forget the fecal stuff----I`m thinking of GOOSE LIVER PATE on French bread with a gin & tonic----Vlad---great pix and narrative as usual---stop at SPRUCE CREEK for lunch on your way south(7FL6) Call me--603 205-4727---John Fleurent

Copy phone # John. Might catch you and Ted :D