
Active Member
Trip to central America In my 10 year old RV6A
Hello Everyone
I am writing this Saturday morning at my hotel room in Zihuatanejo. No internet here. We have been making long hops every day to get farther south to the warm weather. Our stay in Guaymas was good although cold we had to get a space heater for the room and that made it better.
It was a 5 hour flight from Guaymas to Zihuatanejo. We had good weather with a few small cumulus clouds to go around but other than that smooth with just a little turbulence in places when the mountains came up to meet us. We mostly flew along the coast and had flight following most of the way down. Here in Ziwat We stayed at the Avila Hotel a "fishermen's hangout" on the bay at the edge of town. The price was right but it was a busy location right off the main drag with a parade of boom box cars going up and the street til late night. Bruce and Tobey said their neighbors had an all night party right next door to them. Bruce and Tobey's friends, Jeff & Dorie, paddled over to the hotel from their sail boat which they sailed down from Ventura. It was nice to meet them. Joan and I went out to dinner and met up with a Baja Bush pilot couple, Dave & Betty, from San Diego and had a great time. We've seen another BBP couple we met in San Cantin who are going on the Central America BBP trip along with Darrel and Cliff, and Bruce and Tobey.

Today, Sat., we got up early (5:30 am, had breakfast, took off from Zihuatanejo and flew about 3 hours to Puerto Escondido which is below Acapulco. Sorry about no spot tracking I think Jim Ayres has me straightened out on the procedure - we'll see. Tomorrow we are going to split off from our friends who are going on the Baja Bush Pilot Cen. Amer. tour that starts at Tikal. We are going on our own to Costa Rica. We are not sure if we will get all the way to Manuel Antonia to the language school or not. We will play it by ear.
That's it for now talk to you at the next wifi spot
Don & Joan

Sunday Jan. 4
Hello Everyone
We slept OK, got up, and met each other in the lobby about 8am for a late breakfast. Bruce Tobey, and us took one cab and Darrell and Cliff another. We got to the Escondido airport about 10 AM and now we're going to go our separate ways -us to Costa Rica, the others to Tikal for the Baja Bush Pilots tour. Since it is Sunday, the Immigrations guy said it cost $110. for overtime for us to leave Mexico. I questioned him about what I could do, and he said I was stuck in Mexico until Monday unless I wanted to pay the $110. I said would file for Tapachula, Mexico, then stay overnight there, so we departed for Tapachula. When we arrived Joan stayed to have the airplane fueled and I asked about departing for Costa Rica. The officials said there is no charge. We filed and departed about 2:30 pm for Liberia. It seemed like a long 3 hours and was almost dark when we arrived at 5:25 pm. The wind was really blowing and very gusty. On landing I broke off the tail tie down hook. Other than that everything else was ok. The people in Costa Rica were very friendly and helped us tie down the airplane and fill out the paper work. Later Joan told me that one of the guys helping tie down the airplane was the director of the airport. The airport guys called the Hilton Hotel close to the airport and they came and got us. It's a beautiful place and by far better than any of the hotels we've stayed in in Mexico for less money. It will be good to hit the hay early tonight. There is internet here but I can't get it to work so I'll send this when I get a chance.
Don & Joan

Hello all,
We finished our Spanish class Friday after making Chevichi and walking over to the butterfly and crocodile wildlife exhibit while the Chevichi marinated for 3 hrs. We then had a salsa lesson and after dancing ate the food....muy bueno...This morning, Sat., Don gave 4 people a thrill by flying them around the coastal area..will add more about this later. We flew here to San Jose and had a van driver who was most helpful in getting us to a car rental place and a hotel in the center of town. Now we are going out for dinner.
More later, hasta luego. Don McMullen

The rest of the story on website with pictures.

I just checked out every picture you have in your Picassa photo albums.

Wow. You really get around in your RV. Very impressive! I hope to do some of those trips one day (Alaska and Mexico specifically).
That is my dream trip. I spend a fair amount of time in Costa Rica (mostly for work), but I would LOVE to fly my homebuilt down there (of course, I need to actually build the plane first :D). In all honesty, I daydream about that trip AT LEAST once a day.

I notice that all of the Central American trips I see posted here and other places usually take place in December or January. I know that is the best time to fly there, but what is the flying like during June, July, and August? What have you heard about flying then? I know it is the rainy season then, but, at least in Costa Rica, the rain was so predictable you could almost set your watch to it.
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I could have written the above post myself! I have been surfing in Costa Rica for years and love every trip. Now I think in terms of flying there someday. Great to see it's not a fantasy!!

This is a total newb pilot question, but what is ATC like South of the border? I always imagined it was all Spanish, but I've seen a bunch of trip reports to Mexico and the like that make it seem otherwise.

Great pics. Thanks for the report!
That is my dream trip. I spend a fair amount of time in Costa Rica (mostly for work), but I would LOVE to fly my homebuilt down there (of course, I need to actually build the plane first :D). In all honesty, I daydream about that trip AT LEAST once a day.

I notice that all of the Central American trips I see posted here and other places usually take place in December or January. I know that is the best time to fly there, but what is the flying like during June, July, and August? What have you heard about flying then? I know it is the rainy season then, but, at least in Costa Rica, the rain was so predictable you could almost set your watch to it.

Hi Jon
I Have never flown past Baja in the summer months but the weather was pretty wet on this trip I would hate to go on the rainy season
I could have written the above post myself! I have been surfing in Costa Rica for years and love every trip. Now I think in terms of flying there someday. Great to see it's not a fantasy!!

This is a total newb pilot question, but what is ATC like South of the border? I always imagined it was all Spanish, but I've seen a bunch of trip reports to Mexico and the like that make it seem otherwise.

Great pics. Thanks for the report!

Thanks for looking Andy

I just checked out every picture you have in your Picassa photo albums.

Wow. You really get around in your RV. Very impressive! I hope to do some of those trips one day (Alaska and Mexico specifically).

Thanks Jamie
for checking out my albums. I'm sure you will go if you want to bad enough
Awesome trip, Don. Count me in the group of those who would love to fly in Costa Rica. While killing time playing with Google Maps one day, I stumbled upon this little gem of an airpark being developed near Samara. Seems like a great place to own an RV.
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