
Well Known Member
Hopefully the wife and I are traveling by RV7 from KMOR to 36WI on Thursday returning on Sunday.

The wife has a biometric hard stop at around 2 hours of flight time so this means I need to find the most RV friendly place to stop with good fuel prices inside this Blue circle:


Any one with info/suggestions to share, please do!!!

Here's a couple

I used to live up that way 25 years ago and learned to fly at KPRG.
KPRG is nice. They have a courtesy car, and town is about 6 miles away.
They close up about 4:30 or 5 and may not be open at all on Sunday.

Danville (KDNV) is much bigger and nice also. Not sure of their hours.

I'd pick one of those if it were me.

4I7 Putnam County,Greencastle, IN

Try 4I7 Putnam County,Greencastle, IN
Great restaurant on field and they have rooms for a very low rate.
I live in Southern IN and we visit there on Saturdays for breakfast. Usaully lots of RV?s from Indy area show up.
Use caution near RPJ just before rockford, a ton of jumpers just relocated and made it their home. Kind a kay-odic


Danville Ill is a good stop. nice people and a mustang rebuild shop that you can tour attached right to the side of the FBO.

a little towards the top of the blue circle but worth the a stop..

I was going to suggest Danville because of the nice people & Mustangs, but I see my significant other already beat me to it. :eek: Get out of my head!! ;)
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Hopefully the wife and I are traveling by RV7 from KMOR to 36WI on Thursday returning on Sunday.

The wife has a biometric hard stop at around 2 hours of flight time so this means I need to find the most RV friendly place to stop with good fuel prices inside this Blue circle:


Any one with info/suggestions to share, please do!!!

I just flew out of KMOR on Sunday.

If you are possibly not familiar with airnav's fuel stop finder:
or great deals report:
I was at the airport Sunday morning. Sorry I missed you....

Yea I use the fuel stop function of Airnav quite often. I just like to find 1st hand knowledge from folks that are either local or frequent the area. Nothing better than a good RV friendly FBO!

Hope you did not buy gas at KMOR!! Highest price around!
I was at the airport Sunday morning. Sorry I missed you....

Yea I use the fuel stop function of Airnav quite often. I just like to find 1st hand knowledge from folks that are either local or frequent the area. Nothing better than a good RV friendly FBO!

Hope you did not buy gas at KMOR!! Highest price around!
Never bought gas at KMOR, or at least I do not recollect doing so. Yes, it is high and I have heard the hangars are exorbitant also - unfortunate. I go in there at least once a year - annually, as in annual - JB does them for me. Just got out of annual complete with NEW cylinder to replace the overhauled one (I put on a couple of years ago) which lasted a mere 230 hours.
We made the trip today KMOR - KDNV - 36WI.

The weather at blast off was ok. Had to deviate a little for some buildups.

Smooth as glass at altitude but anything below 4500ft was like being inside a rock crusher. High stratus most of the way. Hazy! Lower clouds here in La Crosse.

Landed (very rough air) at Danville for fuel and saw that we needed to beat a large storm mass to our destination. It was moving fast but ended up spinning off to the North wrapping around La Crosse. We got here and it was gone.

The winds here were howling! Gusting and swirling all around. At La Crosse the wind was 160 @ 18 g to 25. I thought that's ok since 36WI 10nm away has a 180 runway......wrong! On approach I was having to stomp it to keep it aligned with the 60ft runway and decided to do a low approach only. As I passed the wind sock I saw that the crosswind was favoring 36 instead so I spun her around and landed.

This was the most crosswind and gusty conditions I have ever landed in. I am sure I scared all the airpark neighbors but we did not leave any large parts on the runway!!!
We are home safe and sound. Tons of zigging and zagging and up and down but we made it!

My VFR skills were tested to the max today. Gotta get the IFR panel installed soon!!!

In cockpit weather and traffic were priceless today!

Wife is a little Green from the 3.5 hrs of rocking and rolling but she held in there.
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