
Well Known Member
You may remember Crazy Marti from my trip write up for Lajitas and Big Bend. Well, she struck again. Her family was getting together in Kentucky for Thanksgiving and she asked if I might be up for a road (or is that air) trip. I did want to spend Thanksgiving Day with my hubby, so we made plans for a Friday/Saturday trip - weather permitting, of course. Long story short, the weather did not cooperate outside of Texas so I reluctantly canceled.


Marti did not protest about canceling the Kentucky run, but she suggested "I'm already packed. Anywhere else we could go?" It was a little too chilly to make a run to the coast and we had just been west a few months earlier, so I threw out the idea of visiting my mom in Corsicana. My mom is great, you'd all love her. I called mom to see if she was up for last minute visitors and the reply was of course. OK, a plan is starting to get hatched.


Then, Scott suggested if I was going to see my mom I should drop in on his mom, too. Oh, what a great idea. We have an RV. It doesn't matter that she is 100 miles the opposite direction in San Antonio. I floated the idea to Marti. She was game, but asked if we could make a side trip to El Mercado for a gift while we were there. The texts and phone calls started flowing to the mother-in-law and FBO in San Antonio. Success. The plan was set and I told Marti to meet me a the airplane at 11. Well, 11 came and went. It turned out Marti got a new phone that morning and the data transfer was not going smoothly. With a husband and two kids, it was understandable she didn't want to be out of touch for a couple days. So, 11 became 12, and we finally made our way to San Antonio. But hey, her new phone takes great pictures.


Scott's mom picked us up at the airport and we headed off for lunch.


After some tasty Tex-mex, she gave us the keys to her car and our duo headed downtown to El Mercado. Traffic was busy on the day after Thanksgiving, and there was a celebration going on at the market. We cruised through many a parking lot for at least 15 minutes and finally found a space.


Since we were already an hour behind, we walked Tanya speed (ask Scott) into the market and found our quarry, a perfect 3-foot flamingo for a holiday exchange gift.


Oh, back story you ask? Crazy Marti took a 5 foot flamingo (named Freddy) on a bucket list trip to Alaska with a few friends. Freddy had his picture taken all over the great state of Alaska. Well, our new addition was a little smaller, so he was dubbed Freddito, but his mission was the same - lots of pictures on our adventure until gift time.

It was time to boogie back to the airport as the sun was getting low and we had a flight time to Corsicana of about an hour and a half. It doesn't happen often, but the blue knob and black knob were on the firewall and we were blowing through the air at 160 knots. Forget about economy cruise for this leg! We landed as the sun set, and mom was waiting for us (me, Marti, and Freddito) on the ramp. We took our time preparing 22C for the evening while watching the daylight wane.


It was off to mom's house for some dinner, wine, lots of gabbing, and a couple games.


The next morning, we headed to my sister's house for breakfast on the lake. We were getting as much Tanya family as we could in one trip. Oh, wait, there is a nephew that just finished building a house on the lake. We can get in one more on the way back to town.

One final stop at the Russell Stover's factory to complete the trip. Marti ended up with a 2' x 3' Witman's sampler box for her daughter's 13th birthday. Oh my, another teenage in our midst (yes, she likes to fly, too).


It wasn't quite the adventure we had envisioned, but it was a great 24 hours.

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Hah! Tanya speed. It?s amazing anyone can keep up. Great report, thanks for taking the time to write it!

Yes I can relate to Russell Stover store. The one we went to was the size of a wallgreens store. Ice cream too
Hah! Tanya speed. It?s amazing anyone can keep up. Great report, thanks for taking the time to write it!


No kidding! It IS a thing.

And... How about those two women sporting new quality headsets during their grand adventures.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing your trip.
Winter finds us reading more about flying than,, well, flying.
Glad to know you are getting to enjoy life and your airplane!
Trip and New headsets

Just wanted to say I really do like the new headsets! As a beta tester for lack of a better word these have performed well and are much clearer, durable and less background noise than the ones I have flow with for many years. For me, my complaints have been mic noise and the boom mic not staying in place in normal ops and gentlemen aerobatics, these solve both of my complaints. I think this is going to be a very fine product for those that like flying with in the ear headsets. It is definitely superior to the 2 halo headsets I have and I have loved those. So you to ladies keep rockin those headsets.
Who makes them?

Just wanted to say I really do like the new headsets! As a beta tester for lack of a better word these have performed well and are much clearer, durable and less background noise than the ones I have flow with for many years. For me, my complaints have been mic noise and the boom mic not staying in place in normal ops and gentlemen aerobatics, these solve both of my complaints. I think this is going to be a very fine product for those that like flying with in the ear headsets. It is definitely superior to the 2 halo headsets I have and I have loved those. So you to ladies keep rockin those headsets.

I have had the Halo for a few months, what is the new brand to which you refer?

It is an upstart company. Keep in mind that it is only my opinion. I have flown with Bose, light speed and Halo's. For the kind of flying I do I prefer the in the ear the best. I find them much more practical for formation, acro, and X-C. My biggest complaints I mentioned, again for me, was the mic noise and boom constantly moving with as little as 1.5 G's with my Halos. Now let's be very honest, I do love my Halos, flown with them for 8 years and any issue I had it was fixed no big deal. I just like these better! I will respond to everyone that emailed me with the contact info that I have and let you go from there as they are just getting started. Thanks for all the inquiries I did not mean to take away from the original post. I just thought mentioning the headset was note worthy as I think it is a very good product, especially if you do the kind of flying I do.
In addition to Tanya's xxxHaloxxx headset, I really liked seeing her Pilots N Paws hat. Thanks for sharing the photos and story. Interesting reading on a cold, rainy day in Alabama.

P.S. Horton Heard a Who and pointed out they are not Halos. Now I know...
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This isn't a headset thread, but...

In those photos, Tanya is in fact sporting the best headset known to humans. I've flown primarily with QT Halos for the last decade, but have two Bose A20s for the groms and a Lightspeed Zulu 2. The mystery headsets in the trip report are better than all of those. I'm not giving my example of the CQ1 mystery headset up, but hope that someday the model will be more widely available. It's cool that Cookie managed to get her hands on a couple too!
