
Well Known Member
Having been a VAF reader for many years now, and only a flying airplane owner for 6 months its my turn to return the favor and hopefully provide some motivation to keep pounding rivets.

This weekend was the first trip out of phase 1 and a very successful one.

Bit of backstory first. 5 years ago I meet Becca and her and I became a blended family of sorts. She has 1 son, and I have 1 son and 1 daughter. Her son will be 20 next week, and joined the Airforce 1.5 years ago.

My daughter will be 20 in July, and now lives in Tacoma WA going to school. (where I grew up and where all my family is)

My son is just 11 and lives here in Louisville Kentucky.

Becca and I got marries in December after having been "dating" for 5 years. With only 1 child around part time, and the other 2 off starting life we have a lot of chances in the future to put this time machine to work. This weekend was the first having just completed my 40 Hours in my RV9A.

Becca's son Michael is graduating Friday from Weather school in the AF at Biloxi Mississippi. Both our schedules were free this past weekend, and the weather was looking to be perfect for a trip, stretch the airplanes wings and my own pilot wings with a long cross country.

Friday morning Becca got up and worked from home until noon, while I flight planned and quadruple checked my weather predictions. All was looking good, the plane has been flying flawless, all lights were green.

Depart KLOU (Bowman Field Louisville Kentucky) at 1pm EST. First leg is to Winchester Municipal Airport in southern Tennessee for cheap fuel $3.8X. Being this was only Becca's 3rd time in my airplane, the just over 1 hours would be a good test.


Skys were clear, not a single cloud. Winds on the other hand were a bit brisk but manageable.

1st fuel stop was a success, flew down at 6500 feet almost perfectly smooth up there. My pilot nerves were calming down, RV was flying and doing its job perfect. Quick stop for fuel and empty the human tanks and off we went again.


Next stop Ocean Springs Airport. I had called ahead to the airport manager, he was very accommodating and waiting for us to fill us up, and park us in the big hangar for the weekend. Again up high clear sailing, down low gustin got 20 kts. Luckily most was headwind. The big surprise for me was trees lined the east and south side, winds coming from the north had me landing north. First approach felt a bit long, although I could have done it a go around just felt like the right thing to do now that I had my bearings. 2nd attempt went well, once below the tree line the bumps calmed down and landing was a non event.


15 minutes later the airplane was nestled in the hangar, and we were on our way into town to get a rental car, pick up her son Michael and then much needed BBQ.




After our BBQ, dropping Michael back off at the base and checking into the hotel we had plans for the next day making a trip to NAS Pensacola Air Museum.
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Saturday Feb 22nd 2020 started off after a good nights sleep, picking Michael back up at the base and off we went in the rental car to the museum.







While eating lunch at the Café I spotted this piece. I am very curious if the last name on the list is who I think it is.


After the museum and quick stop by the airplane to make sure it was still in good hands and we were back on the same beach for some seafood.


After dinner, dropping Michael back off for his final week before he ships off to Germany and we were back in the hotel for a bright and early start. Clouds were coming in, so an early flight was the best way north.


Best part of the trip and probably something that will never happen again is we had tailwinds BOTH directions. Not sure how that happened but I will take it. 5500 feet on the way back, no wheel pants, I am not complaining.


100% successful weekend. Wife is happy she got to see her son, we got home by noon, quick oil change on the time machine and she is ready to go again. Becca even was getting good at spotting airport on the way home which is always a good trait.

I think I will keep her, wife said we can keep her around also.
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Be sure to have the photos you want to post in an album with share settings to "anyone who has the link".
That should fix it.

I surely thought I did, but moved to another host and believe its working now.

You would think with 20+ years of BB experience I could post a picture.
I surely thought I did, but moved to another host and believe its working now.

You would think with 20+ years of BB experience I could post a picture.

Thanks, some have had issues with google photos but I have not.

Great Post BTW!!

On vacation in late '70s I stumbled on that museum at NAS, and it was tiny compared to today. The inside building was lined chronologically with piston engines. Starting very early, and it had many cutaway engines and detail descriptions of the development of each. My last visit did not find that display and the engines were dispersed around the building. The aircraft displays are vastly improved.
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Ocean Springs Airport

Good job on the go around. The airport is known for having some squirrelly winds due to the trees. North or South winds have a bit of a funnel effect and you get changing wind speeds coming in/ going out. East or west winds get a lot of burble across the trees, and you have to be on your game all the way. Have enjoyed a few times watching pilots of various size aircraft get surprised. Quartering winds,... you get it all.

P.s. probably not the Elvis you were thinking of,... the famous one was enlisted in the Army
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Great trip report!

Absolutely no embarrassment in doing a go-around. You made the right call!

I wish the two of you many more enjoyable trips!

Now get those fairings on! You will like the free speed!
Great trip report!

Absolutely no embarrassment in doing a go-around. You made the right call!

I wish the two of you many more enjoyable trips!

Now get those fairings on! You will like the free speed!

I am not afraid of a go around if needed, I think the more tools you have in your tool box as a pilot the safer you are. I have some great pilot friends that keep helping me grow.

Wheel pants are making progress, I somehow find myself behind the panel with engine running much easier than I have found myself mixing up epoxy though. They are fit, and lower transitions built, just need some TLC to make them look good.
Congrats Jeff

Way to go man. I have yet to take the wife up. Teething issues with my ADS-B install and I need to get an engine warmer. After I get the house paid off thinking of swapping over to the 340 as well. Plan to take wife to Owensboro in the future for some BBQ at Moonlight.
Glad to see your first cross country Jeff! That?s a nice stretch for the first timer. Great writeup always keeps us motivated thank you!