
Well Known Member
This is an attempt to gather information on an annoying problem with Trio Pro Pilot.

What follows is a message to their tech department...

The system is self engaging, sometimes altitude hold some times both servos.

About two months ago I spoke with someone in your tech department and a file was created on the issue. It was decided at the time to gather more data to help come up with a cause of why it was occurring.

Initially the orange wire at pin 31 and yellow wire at pin 34 were not hooked up. (remote disconnect) and the thought was if these wires were not shielded in the bundle where they were located, it could cause a problem. The wires were shielded and are now connected to a single switch to ground for disconnect of both servos when button pushed. It also works to activate PCS.

The system is continuing to self engage. Sometimes just altitude hold, sometime both servos. The engage lights are on when it happens. It always happens in the traffic pattern. The system disconnects immediately if the engage buttons are pushed or if the remote disconnect button is pushed. It has self engaged altitude hold during the flare. Yesterday it self engaged during take off!!

For now I am implementing a procedure to have the on-off switch "off" for take off and landing.

Have any of you reading this post experienced the issue?

Thanks. We need some answers. :)
Wow, that is concerning.
I have 2 Trio pro pilots and I installed them both. Never, not one time, has either self engaged.
I did have one which had a couple of the blue lights on the bezel fail so it was not readily apparent if the servo was on or off. Trio fixed this issue at no cost in short order.
On the Lancair, it will not climb or descend without oscillating over and under the set FPM climb or descent rate. I have attempted adjusting the gain settings over and over without improvement.
Perhaps the folks at Trio would send out another unit for troubleshooting purposes? They have been helpful to me.
My Trio has been flawless. You say this only happens in the pattern?
Agree with above post, try to get a loaner, see if it's the box or the installation. If unable send the box to Trio and have it checked out.
Any connection between the self-engaging and you transmitting on the radio?

Never had the issue with my Trio Pro Pilot.
I've been considering what goes on in traffic pattern, radio transmissions, slowing airspeed, the familiar oil can "thump" around 90 knots, flaps and electric trim. So far there is no pattern. The system did engage one time in cruise, altitude hold.

I've been in touch with Trio and this is a first report to them on self engage, have a feeling the controller will be returned to factory soon. Just waiting for them to reply to the report.

Thanks for the replies, if this had happened with another unit it would be helpful but it sounds like it is a first.
I've been considering what goes on in traffic pattern, radio transmissions, slowing airspeed, the familiar oil can "thump" around 90 knots, flaps and electric trim. So far there is no pattern. The system did engage one time in cruise, altitude hold.

I've been in touch with Trio and this is a first report to them on self engage, have a feeling the controller will be returned to factory soon. Just waiting for them to reply to the report.

Thanks for the replies, if this had happened with another unit it would be helpful but it sounds like it is a first.

Quick response from Trio this morning, controller going back to factory asap.
Controller back from Trio today.

It was bench checked with no anomalies.

Unit flight checked, could not duplicate problem.

As precaution, PPFP and PPMP boards replaced.

No charge!

Thank you Trio.

Will reinstall and flight check when able.