Bill Boyd

Well Known Member
For anyone with a legacy EZ-Pilot system installed in their plane who hears the siren-call of coupled approaches, VNAV and all the added features that Trio has put in their ProPilot model that were not in the original EZ's, let me give you a heads up on a gotcha that could get ya if you have the older, black NavAid roll servo that Trio sold with their first run of EZ-Pilots (or if you cheaped-out and found a NavAid on eBay, and told Trio to keep their golden box and you'd keep some shekels).

The NavAid servo has only three wires, the Gold Standard servo has four. Either will work fine with the EZ and Pro systems, but you have to watch the wiring convention. The Gold Standard wires are GRN, RED, WHT and BLK. The Navaids use GRN, RED and BLK - no WHT wire. Here's where you have to pay attention: The RED and BLK wires have the same function for both servos, but the GRN wire on the NavAid, for PWM data, is equivalent to the WHT wire on the Gold Standard servo, and is wired to pin 2 (not pin 3) of the DB-37 connector on the ProPilot control head. Do this wrong and you won't let any smoke out, but it also won't work. Your NavAid servo will energize and resist stick movement, but it won't respond to the autopilot in calibration or flight modes.

I don't think this is addressed in the ProPilot documentation, and until it is, this is relevant to your interests if you are upgrading an older system and keeping your legacy roll servo as I did.


IIRC the auto trim function is contained in the gold pitch servo. You won't get that with an old servo.
I may be mistaken

but I don't think you get the option of using NavAid servos _at all_ for pitch control with Trio systems.

I just discovered that Kevin Horton detailed the exact same experience I had with NavAid and ProPilot in a thread here in 2010. Oh, well.

Thank you

Pitch is an entirely different servo motor.
But, the gold servo for the roll function can be substituted by a Navaid.
These are good hints at how the connector differs for each.
I have a gold servo on the bench... and ready to pull a Navaid out of the wing here on the 9A. So, good timing to review the differences.
Thanks for the post !!!