lorne green

Well Known Member
Why doesn't Trio offer a "headstart" package as others do. It would be great if one could buy just the "hardware" for my a/p, alt/hold etc instead of forking over for everything at once, where the brains sit in boxes for two years atrophying. :(
Why doesn't Trio offer a "headstart" package as others do. It would be great if one could buy just the "hardware" for my a/p, alt/hold etc instead of forking over for everything at once, where the brains sit in boxes for two years atrophying.

Lorne, I'm pretty sure you can purchase just the servos and wiring harnesses for the Trio EZ systems. That would allow you to do all the fabbing of the mounts and wire runs. Mounting the control heads in the panel is a job that only takes a few minutes once the holes are cut (all the templates and dimensions are available on the Trio site).

But......to get the real scoop, call the three amigos at Trio for first-hand info. They are a great bunch to work with and will get you headed in the right direction.
The Trio Folks will sell you just the servos

I spoke to the Trio folks at OSH last year and they recommended that I install the servo before closing out the wing. They offered to sell me just the servo and I could purchase the rest later. I was a little leary, but then he said I would get a money back guarantee, and that I could return it for a full refund, even if I did not like the color. He even put that in writing. I was sold. I have since purchased another servo for the pitch autopilot. These folks are great to deal with.
Trio service

I purchased my wing servo first, then later the control head. Not only that, when I had a problem with tracking (which turned out to be the GPS software,) they sent me a new control head not questions asked, just to make sure it wasn't their unit causing the problem. GREAT service and excellent product. Give 'em a call!

Bob Kelly
Trio Customer Service:eek:utstanding!

Call them! My experience is they have the best customer service in the aviation business!

Well, thanks for the info. I'll give them a call. I suspect that most of the dollars are in the servos and hardware and not in the panel heads (just buttons and switches)
VAF...where else do you need to go? :)
Well, thanks for the info. I'll give them a call. I suspect that most of the dollars are in the servos and hardware and not in the panel heads (just buttons and switches)

A little research on the Trio web site will reveal that the cost of the servo is slightly less than half the cost of the entire system. The control heads are much more than just switches and buttons since they include the processors, display, AHRS sensor circuit boards, pitot/static sensors and proprietary software...and probably some more stuff. ;)
trio, what does the future hold?

I placed my order for the EZ Pilot autopilot and EZ-2 altitude control w/auto trim. But held off ordering the control heads. Trio said that there are some "very interesting" things coming out of Trio in January. I suspect they will be tight lipped at Airventure. We talked about the changes and advancements in experimental avionics. He cinched it for me when he said that they have shipped over a hundred servos sans control heads. I'm two or three years from needing them anyway. So, as I've read in another post about buying everthing you could think of now. Gee, if it's going to sit in a box for a few years and the techlology is advancing...I think it's a no brainer. For a few more dollars (maybe), wait and plug in the latest software,product advancement your money can buy.
I'm just sayin' :D