chris mitchell

Well Known Member
As an end of work session treat, today we put the foam blanks for the seat cushions in place, anticipating that we could mark up where the piece of foam that provides lumbar support needed to be placed so that the trimmer could get on with his task. Its obvious to me now that the pieces of foam are at best only roughly the right shape and need some trimming. As ever, its hard to know where to start. I don't have any patterns from Vans so I have had to make some assumptions about what goes where.

For the front seat the bottom piece - that fits in the bucket behind the spar carry-through - looks about right. The bit that sits on top of that looks like it needs to be trimmed to fit where the seat base carries on up above the spar carry-through? The foam for the seat back - do I need to trim that off so it rests on the base? Or do I shorten the base so that the back foam runs rught down to the bottom?

For the rear seat the the back foam again seems too long and I think should be trimmed to sit onto the base rather than running down to the floor? THe base itself interferes with the crotch strap anchorage - do I need to trim that area as well? Any advice and ideally photos will be very helpful. As the pound is now nose-diving against he dollar - down 25% in about the last week - shipping the foam blanks to Classic Aero or wherever is not really an option....

