
Well Known Member
I have noticed on a number of builders web pages that people are having problems when they trim this piece to Vans plans. They seem to indicate that when trimmed to the plans, there is not enough edge clearance for the rivets.
Anyone have good advice (and pics) on this? I don't want to do it twice.
Greg-You're right. Don't cut it per Van's dimensions. I'd start with it about 1/8" more than plans and then just scotchbrite it down if necessary until it fits against the horn and lower rib. I first followed Van's plans and ended up with 5/32 edge distance instead of the required 6/32. Called Van's... they told me to go ahead an use it with no worries. Being the new builder that I was, I replaced it anyway :rolleyes:. Good luck.
Eh, today I worked with R-710... I did trimmed it quickly according to the figure. I've edge clearance in minumum now and it's actually not even deburred (edges) -- noticed soon that the edge clearance might get too small and marked the holes right away that's why it's not yet deburred. As it will be countersinked and new costs around $10 I'll get new one and I know I did everything fine even nobody can see that part!

Edit: I follow Mike -- my first cut line went like his and defenitely not making same error twice. :p
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I think everybody builds this part twice. I sure did. But when I called Van's, I got the usual "we've never heard of that problem". :rolleyes:

mburch said:
I think everybody builds this part twice.
Fortunately I got this right the first time, but ONLY because I had just come back from visiting another builder's project where he showed me the two he messed up before getting it right. :D

Mikes got some good pics, here is how my turned out (bottom of page).
The curious thing is...

The curious thing is that last night when I started in on this part I stared at the drawings for a while and still didn't get it. Then, I got on this forum and searched for "R-710" and found this thread. I even went and looked at the webpage with the picture of the part. I still didn't get it, but I went out to Home Depot and got the cut off tool and cut it off, then realized that I needed to rivet the skins and the rib to this part and then I realized that I didn't have enough metal left. And THEN I understood what this thread was all about!


I made the same mistake? I bet Van?s sells a LOT of these. At least I don?t feel so bad now, knowing that so many others make the same mistake.

I wonder if we can get a count going on how many have bought a second R-710.

Bill Finnell
RV-8 Tail
Tucson AZ
While were talking about mistakes...only the right hand side lead counterweight for the elevators gets cut down!
It is a conspiracy.....

Here is what happened: a supplier of Van's made 20.000 instead of 2.000 of these things by mistake and Van's had to make a cunning plan to get rid of the surplus by supplying us with cleverly wrong drawings........
Seems his evil plan worked.......

(did the same of course :eek: )
They got me too. I was just merrily working away fabricating the R-917 shim, the R-918 attach strips and I'll just trim this R-710 to the proper dimensions per the drawing too while I'm at it. DOH! I guess I will be calling Van's in the morning to get a new one on the way. First screw-up, and I feel like it's only half my fault for not reading VAF before starting the rudder. From now on, I am searching each part number of an assembly on the forums before picking up the tools.
"But when I called Van's, I got the usual "we've never heard of that problem".

Uh, noooo; this part has been causing builders headaches for a couple decades now. And it is even more prefabricated than it used to be.

I have built two rudders and didn't have to replace either one of them because I read about this issue years ago.

You must have got the new guy on the phone.
I was bit by this one too. I'll admit to getting a little happy on the wheel and taking more material off than I wanted to, but it wasn't even close.

Did anyone use solid rivets to attach it? My meager bucking bar collection didn't stand a chance.
Allways cut to the middle of the prepunched marks!

I believe, for a perfect fit you should always cut to the middle of the prepunched marks. Vans gives the coordinates of the points to which you have to cut a part to his punching machines. This points are in the middle of that (semi-)circular hole.
Here is what happened: a supplier of Van's made 20.000 instead of 2.000 of these things by mistake and Van's had to make a cunning plan to get rid of the surplus by supplying us with cleverly wrong drawings........
Seems his evil plan worked.......

(did the same of course :eek: )

LoL - they should be down to 19,769 by now......only 17,000 to go