
I'm New Here
I'm not the original builder of my '6 but am replacing 2 crazed and cracked nav light covers. I have the new items from Vans but need to trim. Using packing tape I pulled the lines from the old lens and wing junction and have that as a guide. Any tips on how to trim would be welcome.
Slowly. I just did this. Trim, then check. Back and forth. Also, don't just work on one side (ie top or bottom). Go back and forth between trimming top and bottom. Patience. I also use a sharpie pen. Good luck.
What tool did you use for trimming? I'm tending towards a dremel tool with a cut-off disk and using a belt sander to true up and finish the edges. Thoughts
I used a diamond cutting disk in a Dremel tool which worked great. I experimented with several different cutting methods on an old plexiglass canopy and found that the diamond disk worked best for me. It creates a very narrow cut so you don't get a lot of waste, and it can be very precisely controlled. You can get them from Dremel or Harbor Freight sells a 4 pack for very low cost.

Once done, don't forget to burnish the edges of the cuts in order to slightly round them thus relieving the stress concentrations that can start cracks, and making them less likely to cut you while you handle them.
Thanks for the replies. I do have a diamond disk, so that should work well. I'll also burnish the edges and mounting screw holes.
big file

I recall using a big metal file for the last part to avoid heating up the plexi too much with a sander. It took some time, but they turned out really nice.