John Courte

Well Known Member

I'm working on the forward spar of the empennage and in one of my better moments, managed to trim the flange about 1/8" past where it says the bend line needs to be on HS-702.. Question is, can I still use this part, assuming the bend line is in the right place and the relief notch is properly done? Or do I need to order a new HS702? This is only happening on one side, I haven't messed up the other one yet.

John, I haven't attached my HS to the fuselage yet but I just looked at the plans and looked at both my fuselage and the HS and I don't THINK anything attaches to that flange. The vertical stab attaches to a plate on the web and the HS -- again, I THINK, also is attached via the WEb.

Now you may find that this has worked out in your favor since sometimes that flange interferes just a tad with the edge of the HS skin.
If it were me, and it's not, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If I understand you correctly, the flange you reference gets match drilled to the skin and the HS-405 rib. Just be sure you don't have edge distance issues when you do the drilling. I trimmed mine according to the plans and I actually have a little extra flange sticking out past the edge of the skin, so there might be a little room to play.
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