
Well Known Member
Working on my RV-8 canopy. The only part left to to trim is the aft end. The plans call out to cut the sides of the canopy 5/16 inch below the rivet line. That part is done. There are no specs on the plans for trimming the aft end.

My canopy extends a good 2+ inches beyond the aft end of the canopy frame. I was going to trim it to 5/16 inch from the rivet line, but then I thought I might regret this when the time comes to fit the skirts.

I thought I would check the wisdom of the crowd. What say ye? Any advantage or disadvantage to leaving it long or should I trim it to 5/16 inch from the rivet line and be done with it?
Thanks for your replies.

Mike Draper
TMX0360, CS
Bridgewater, MA
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Having just put my canopy together forever this weekend, I trimmed it all the way around as per the plans. I can not see any reason to leave it long in the back, except for just not wanting to keep cutting it and worrying about cracks and the like. trim it up.
my .o2
I cut very little off the rear, instead I cut more off the front and moved the canopy forwards. That way the rear stays narrow and better fits the frame without having to be pulled in.

Not sure if mine is right

Hey Mike,

Not sure if there is a right or a wrong way but I left mine about an inch over in the back, reason being, it is hard to look and see back there, also for added strength, not that it needs it, but what could it hurt. I am not building a show plane though.
