
Well Known Member
So... after assembling, drilling and deburring my left elevator parts, I go to pull the plastic off for dimpling, etc. There was a line along the flange of the trim tab spar that I thought was just a scratch or split in the blue plastic, but when I pulled the plastic off, this is what I found...

Now, I'm not sure it shows up in the photo all that well (hit "view original size" from to see closer), but it seems to be a pretty deep scoring on the flanges (it's on both sides) between the rivet holes and the web.

Let's just say that once I have the trim tab on, I'd prefer it not depart during flight.

Please let me know what you think. Scotchbrite it out, or get a new one? :eek:
If you can get it out with scotchbrite, then prime it and go on. If you can't get rid of it completely, replace it. Van should not have a problem replacing it.
If I remember right mine was the same way. It's been a while but I remember either getting it off with my finger nail (because it was glue residue, or something) or it polished right out with Scotchbrite as Mel said. I forget which but a bunch of emp. parts are like this and they all ended up being a non-issue.

So I guess what I'm saying is Mel is probably spot on plus you don't have a "defective" kit or anything like that. That's just how some of these suckers pop out after forming.
Mine didn't have those marks. I have another one and will check to see if it has them, if not you're welcome to it for the cost of shipping.

One of the parts that I screwed up was the t/t spar. :eek: My replacement part had the same tooling marks as you've illustrated. You'd think that someone at Van's would catch these defective parts. I would have returned the part but being North of the 49 parallel...well it's a little more difficult. I wore out my scotchbrite wheel removing the two scratches from the spar :rolleyes: . Needless to say... not impressed. So scotchbrite away!
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Now I'm really curious how this turns out. There were a whole bunch of parts in my kit that had those marks and they all came right out with just very light scotchbriting. In fact, I happen to have a "leftover" (long story) 609PP here and it has the same exact marks. Totally minor, though.

Let us know how it turns out :)
I too had/have many parts like that. They are very shallow and a maroon SB pad takes them right out.
Closing the loop...

...on this post with a followup.

I got essentially the same advice from Van's when I emailed them. Scotchbrite and build on, the replacement part would more than likely have the same marks anyway.

I've had these marks on other parts that have come off either by fingernail (I think just smudges from pressure on the blue plastic), or light buffing with Scotchbrite pad (maroon). This one was more significant, and took several passes on the wheel (as per what Lorne mentioned).

(NB. "Scotchbrite it" as guidance confuses me sometimes :( ... the wheel is more aggresive than the pads).

Anyhow, I got it all out, and didn't appear to thin the flange noticably, so it is now riveted in my elevator and I sleep well at nights.