
I'm New Here
Hi Guys, First post,
have recently started my std build 8. Just came from the local airport and noticed a nice mod on a beautiful 8a. Owner wasn't around but took a couple of pics. It appears he did not bend over the trim tab edges but made a rib to go in each end. No bending of tab ends, really nice looking job. Anyone know if the mod is listed anywhere? I have been fretting over bending these tabs, looks difficult to get really tight bends.


Welcome to VAF!!!!

Hi Guys, First post,


Steve, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

I have seen threads about this in the past, but it seems to be a pretty simple thing to do.

If you are not familiar with working of alum aircraft, join an EAA chapter, or find a builder in your area to give you a jump start.

Good to have you here.
Thanks Mike

I attended the RV workshop in Oshkosh. Ed, the instructor, was very knowledgeable and got me off to a good start. I wasn't concerned with making the part as much as I was wondering if it is an "approved" mod. I don't won't to change what Van has designed, just it really looked clean.

Thanks again for the welcome, looking forward to many good things soon.
I attempted one bending of tabs (on the left elevator) and it turned out atrocious. Therefore, I made three little riblets for the elevator/trim tab. It was easy and worked well. Check out the trim tab entries at the bottom of this linked page for my details:
Thanks Brett

You did pretty much the same as I saw today with one exception. The 8a I looked at turned his riblets in. He was still able to dimple and use flush rivets. Would this slight pocket cause some turbulence? Wasn't able to talk to owner but did get his N number to give a call if need be.

Thanks again


I cut off my elevator ears just Saturday.

I plan to do the same that Jason Beaver did on his. His ribs carried the spar in the elevator and the trim tab. His turned out nicely and I hope mine do too.

I hope he does not mind me re-posting his log entry...but here it is.
Thanks to all. I have actually had several other builders comment on the trim tab. Seems I'm not the only one worried about how to bend nice tight lines. Only difference is I hadn't started yet so I won't need to order any new parts. Thanks again to all who supplied pics, great help to at least three more builders.