
Well Known Member
The directions for building the trim tab say to:

"...countersink the spar and leave the holes in the hinge un-modified"

Surely the holes in the hinge get countersunk but I don't see mention of it further on in the directions.


OK, I see...

I see what's going on. I did not machine countersink the spar, I dimpled it so I will need to countersink the holes in the hinge... hummmmm
The hinge does not get countersunk. It attaches under the top of the trim tab spar, which is also flat because you countersunk the top of the trim tab spar.
I hope this makes sense

Mike, I dimpled the spar so I also needed to dimple the hinge holes - presumably this is OK; I figure less material removed from the parts this way anyway.
Doubler strip

This has been discussed before. In the past, when someone has dimpled the spar and countersunk the hinge, Van's has recommended fabricating a doubler strip to go behind the hinge with just drilled holes (not dimpled nor countersunk). This will be the 4th layer of material (i.e. skin / spar / hinge / doubler). Without the doubler, the hinge will be likely to curve during riveting because the aluminum is soft.

Good luck,