
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

I have a question regarding the trim tab hinge knuckle alignment. According to the plans, the most inboard knuckle (or eyelet) of the trim tab hinge should be attached to the empennage. I can only assume that this is so that the bent hinge pin at the end does not rub on the moving side of the hinge, but is fixed relative to the knuckle it is bent over (as it is attached to the HS rear spar). With the hinge supplied in the kit, the most inboard knuckle is on the elevator, meaning that this pin will be rubbing. Unfortunately the hinge is not long enough to cut off one knuckle so that the most inboard one is attached to the HS. When I contacted Van's they said it didn't really matter, however I'm still not satisfied that this is acceptable. Am I missing something here, or should I just suck it up and work with what I have?
It really doesn't matter on which side the last eyelet ends. With what you call rubbing of the hingepin on the eyelet I just can not see that this is a problem. Build on
I had exactly the same issue. I thought maybe it might be because I had been sent a hinge with the wrong "handedness". But it seems all the hinges Vans are currently shipping are the wrong way around to enable us to build as per plans. In the end I ordered a 3' hinge and used that.
Thanks Andy for confirming I'm not completely nuts. I would just order a 3' hinge, however that would cost approximately $100 in postage to Tasmania as it has to be couriered if it is that long. As Arie says I may just have to suck it up and move on, as at the end of the day a trim tab is not a highly mobile component. It is just a little disappointing that Van's can't ship a part that corresponds with the plans.