
Well Known Member
Plans call for a minimum 3/32" gap between the tab and the elevator... I drilled the hinge tab, but it walked a tad bit while I was drilling my first hole, so I was a tiny bit off mark. So now I have a problem, 2 actually... the first one is that the hinge has some slack in it side to side, allowing the trim tab to move in place 1/32" each direction (inboard and outboard)... the second problem is, with the trim tab slid inboard on the hinge, I only have 2/32" gap clearance... it is my understanding that the hinge pin will be bend down and then safety wired on the inboard side, which will take all the "slack" out of the trim tab on the hinge, but it will push the tab over in the wrong direction (outboard towards the elevator), thus leaving me with a 1/32" gap... Sorry if its confusing... thoughts?

This picture shows the largest gap I can get with the slack in the hinge... approx. 2/32".... atlease until I bend the hinge pin
I'd buy a new piece of hinge and re-drill it so you have the correct amount of gap. Hinge stock is cheap and you for sure don't want any part of your control system to bind up. Don't worry, this won't be the only thing you have to re-do (ask me how I know!). It's all part of the building process.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Paint will add a few mils but you still should be OK.
1/32" is approximately .032".
Hey Daniel,
You were talking about coming out to visit. Like Matt says, it's easy to replace half of the hinge. I'm sure I have a piece of hinge material around. Come and get it.
If you want to go with what you have, just wedge a shim between the tab and the elevator while you bend the pin.
Hey Daniel,
You were talking about coming out to visit. Like Matt says, it's easy to replace half of the hinge. I'm sure I have a piece of hinge material around. Come and get it.
If you want to go with what you have, just wedge a shim between the tab and the elevator while you bend the pin.

good deal Mel, I'll see what I can do in the mean time... still looking forward to swinging by... im planning on sometime next weekend... I'll give you a call closer to the end of the week! Thank you sir!