
Well Known Member
This is not on an RV but it could help RV builders. I built a Zenith Cruzer and from the beginning had a heavy left wing. Tried all the suggested fixes but nothing worked. I received inspiration for this fix from Scott Matthews another Zenith builder from Australia. His solution was to use a rubber seal commonly known as “P” seal instead of a metal or wood trim tab. I secured mine as he did to the inboard end of the right flap, Zenith’s have flaperons, as close to the aft edge as possible. This is your trim tab. You secure it with emblem tape or other heavy duty double sided tape. Start small and gradually add sections till the desired effect is reached. You can then cut a full size piece and replace the smaller sections. For me it worked like a charm and now my plane flies hands off.

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P seal

That's a great tip! We should be test-flying our Zenith 801 within a year, so this may come in handy.

This is not on an RV but it could help RV builders. I built a Zenith Cruzer and from the beginning had a heavy left wing. Tried all the suggested fixes but nothing worked. I received inspiration for this fix from Scott Matthews another Zenith builder from Australia. His solution was to use a rubber seal commonly known as “P” seal instead of a metal or wood trim tab. I secured mine as he did to the inboard end of the right flap, Zenith’s have flaperons, as close to the aft edge as possible. This is your trim tab. You secure it with emblem tape or other heavy duty double sided tape. Start small and gradually add sections till the desired effect is reached. You can then cut a full size piece and replace the smaller sections. For me it worked like a charm and now my plane flies hands off.
