
Well Known Member
I'm finishing up the empennage on my RV8, thinking I'd like to install the trim servo while I'm in the neighborhood.

Any advantages to Ray Allen or Van's? The only reason I'm leaning toward electric trim is for auto-trim. Well, that plus the fact that I don't like the look of the manual trim's big vernier.

Thanks in advance. Search was unrevealing.
Honestly? What an idiot. I guess that explains why there are no other "Van's vs Ray Allen" threads. :eek:

Sorry 'bout that.
Honestly? What an idiot. I guess that explains why there are no other "Van's vs Ray Allen" threads. :eek:

Sorry 'bout that.

Trust me. This won't be your only such moment. We all do it, many times throughout a build. Ask me how I know.......

Keep asking questions!!!!!!