
Well Known Member

I have a relay board for flaps, and both elevator and aileron trim. So power to the flap motor and trim servos all come from and go to the same place.

My dilemma is whether to power both trim servos from the same circuit. I've already decided to power the flaps separately. The trade-off of course is, if I blow a fuse, or have a runaway trim and have to shut off the power, I'll lose both elevator and aileron trim.

Any thoughts/experiences, etc.

FYI, the installation is dirt simple. An infinity grip to the relay board, and flap/trim servo power (source and load) out the other end.
Best practice is for every load to have its own fuse. If the fuse blows, you only loose one load. Troubleshooting is easier too. On another forum, someone once asked how many fuses he should install. One of the replies was: twice as many as you think that you need.
I didnt over think this. I followed Garmin’s recommendation in their G3X Installation Manual. Anyone can use their ideas for other systems. The manual can be downloaded for free by anyone. Lots of good stuff in there.