Need help from a builder or technician to identify why I can not get my trim to work up or down at all.

I went through all the continuity tests provided by Van's (Switches, Harness, and making the servo work properly with external 12v.power, do not get power output from the control module fuselage pin 31 & 32. suposedly the potenciometer was properly set up by Van's after I returned the controle module for a check up.
I spoke with Herbert yesterday and suggested he post here...we are good feiends from childhood and raced motocross all over South America togehter back in younger days..... Him and his father are building their RV 12 in lima peru. He has two issues and both related to the Dynon. His comm volume goes to ****. He can barely heard the radio and the trim works extremelly slow. If he connect the trim directly works fine. Entire d100 was sent to vans for check up and it was returned the same. Now he is waiting for another. Box to be sent down to Peru for swap and trouble shoot. Anyone have had this issue? All help and or recomendations are welcomed.
There are lots of posts on the RV-12 forum concerning the trim.
The Dynon has nothing to do with trim operation or radio volume.
I would try adjusting the potentiometers on Van's control board for both trim speed and for radio volume.
Below are links to posts about the RV-12 trim.
Joe Gores
Follow Electric continuity on trim

Yesterday I went through all the pot adjustments re-checks for the fourth time without any success. Is it possible to get the electric diagrams for the TRIM system, we tested individual continuity for TRIM switch and harness (which are ok) but I am curious if the power supply to the switches unit come from the thick 2 wires plugged into the switches unit and then go through the Switch and then to the AV50000A, maybe there is a problem at the Switch unit:(??
Thanks Mitch, we were not able to make the trim work at all from the switch. I tested it with external power and it is OK, tested individually the Harness and Switch and are ok. I sent back the AV50000A control Module to Van's and Sterling (from Vans) told me it is ok. He is no sending me a new one for exchange. However a test pending might be to track down 12 volts power supply from battery to AV50000A (for TRIM operation only)???
Thanks Mitch, we were not able to make the TRIM work at all since the beggining, can someone explain on how to track down power supply all the way from battery to switch board?? and then to AV50000A.
Did you receive the private message that I sent to you?
Try posting on VansAirforce RV-12 forum. I have the Dynon D-180 system. Others are more knowledgeable with the SkyView system.
Joe Gores
The AV-50000A Control Module should have a 37-pin D-Sub connector for an autopilot, whether an autopilot is installed or not. Inside of that connector should be two jumpers for the elevator trim. One jumper connects pins 7 & 17. The other jumper connects pins 8 & 19. Check those jumpers to make sure they are installed in the correct holes.
Joe Gores
TRIM test Herbert Telge

Dear Joe, many thanks for the orientation. Yesterday I checked
The electric power out of harness from the AV-50001 to the AV-50000A have continuity between pin 19 to 4 and 18 to 5 and a reading of aprox 5 volts at the 4 &5 pins when I press the trim switch up or down (inverting the conection), now I do not kwow if the 5 volt reading is enough power??? Anyway there is power going into the AV50000A. Then I tested the 31 and 32 pins coming out of the AV50000A without disconnecting the fuselage plug and the Switch plug to get the master to provide power. In this last test I do not get a strong voltage reading, by turning the pot left and then right I got a max voltage reding below 1 volt. Today will go over the tests you suggested yesterday on the Auto pilot 37 pin conector. Will let you know ASAP
TRIM test Herbert Telge

Dear Joe, I checked the jumpers between 7-17 and 8-19 and are ok, now my basic question is: do I need to have the Plug for autopilot Harness connected at the AV50000A even though I do not have an outopilot installed in my RV12?? What do I do with the loosen wires out of that harness??
If I understand you correctly, there is 12 volts going into AV-50000A on pin 9. Is this correct?
I am guessing that the 5 volts on AV-50000A pins 4&5 is a signal from the logic board and is normal.
Yes, the autopilot plug MUST be installed in order for the trim to work. Insulate any unused wires.
For testing purposes, remove the autopilot plug from the AV-50000A and set it aside. Measure the voltage between AV-50000A autopilot pins 17 & 19. Do NOT use ground as a reference for this test. Measure directly between pins 17 & 19 while pressing the trim switch and adjusting the trim pot.
Joe Gores
TRIM test Herbert Telge

Dear Joe, I confirm there is 12v on pin 9 with Master on and ground,

I insulated unused cables of Autopilot plug and installed, turned master on and pressed the trim switch and no response at all.

Performed the testing on the autopilot pin 17&19 witout using ground and got reading of 11.8 v. pressing switch up and 11.8 volt pressing it down.

Hope this info helps,

Please investigate about the 5 volt input into the AV50000A and from the AV50001 when pressing the switch up or down. My guess is we need at least 9 volts out of the AV50000A and if we are only getting 5 v. into it there might be a problem on why I get only 5 volts out of the AV50001???
Do not worry about the 5 volts. We are getting close to the problem now. The 11.8 volts on autopilot pins 17 & 19 means that the PWM Trim circuit is working but that voltage is not getting to the trim servo for some reason, most likely a bad jumper from pin 17 to pin 7 or a bad jumper from pin 19 to pin 8. Check those jumpers again for continuity and for being in the correct connector locations.
If everything checks out OK, then I would remove the jumpers and then move the wire from fuselage pin 32 to autopilot pin 17, . . . and move the wire from fuselage pin 31 to autopilot pin 19.
Joe Gores
Welcome to VAF!

Herbert, welcome aboard the good ship VAF.

Hope you get the problem straightened out soon......lots of good help already.

Good to have you here.
Solved the Trim problem, one more to go with INTERCOM

Dear Joe, finally got the TRIM switch to move our Servo in the tail with the by pass from the Autopilot pins. Many thanks for your help.

Now maybe you can help me with another issue, I swear is the last one!!

I can not set up volumes to my headsets (recently bought new from Aircraft Spruce) I tried volumes at at Skyview, volumes at Garming radio and only hear a far away fizz with full squelch, seems the volume knobs are not working at the intercom and radio. Need more volume.

Can you help me?? Rgds, Herbert
Good going fixing the elevator trim.

What brand and model are your headsets? Have you tried other headsets?
What happens when you listen to the radio with the intercom switch in the ISOLATE position?
Joe Gores

Dear Joe, sorry I had to work and had no time to continue tests, regarding the Intercom, tried David Clark HSets and it is working much better. So problem fixed with other headsets.

Now on the TRIM problem I now get an error message on the configuration of the Skyview 10000 Error Message 4/8 (do you think it has something to do with the by pass we did from the Autopilot TRIM?? ) When I disconnect the autopilot plug into the AV50000A and run configuration again the error message goes away but the TRIM not works. How can I fix the error message at the Skyview??

Please send me your email to attach a picture of the error message.

Regds, Herbert
Looking at Van's schematic, I see no reason why the trim wires that were moved to the autopilot pins 17 & 19 should give an error message on the SkyView.
Check these jumper wires in the autopilot plug:
1 - 26
3 - 29
5 - 10
6 - 11
9 - 15
Click on "Private Messages" in the upper right hand corner of this web page to read my private message to you.
Joe Gores

Links below to SkyView error message.

I love when everyone helps others! Thanks to all involved. It means a lot for Herbert being so far away and the first and only RV in Peru. If ever visiting Peru, herbert can be a great host guys! He is the man to know in Peru!
Just a note on the trim adjust--it has many turns of adjustment! I thought it would only be a couple, or maybe turning just a partial turn. The first RV-12 didn't require adjustment. On our second RV-12, I couldn't get it fast enough at what felt like a stop, and called Van's. They said turn further! I counted about 27 turns stop to stop. It came in at 25 seconds full up to full down right at the limit. I can't remember if it was left- or right-turn to speed it up.

Network error 4/8 on Skyview

Dear Joe, I do not have an autopilot installed, the 4/8 error goes to the AP servo (pitch)?? Maybe I nned to by pass those too?? Rgds, herbert
Attn: Moderator

Since this thread deals with problems unique to the RV-12, I suggest that it be moved to the RV-12 forum where others more knowledgeable about Van's AV50000A can help.

I know that the servos are not installed, but assume that the wires are. I am taking a wild guess here, suppose that an autopilot wire is shorted to ground at the servo location. When you plug the autopilot connector into the AV50000A, the circuit is completed, thus shorting out the SkyView data bus. I suggest that you examine the wires at the autopilot servo end to make sure they are all insulated from each other and from ground.
Another suggestion: There are 5 jumper wires in the autopilot plug (not counting the trim). Disconnect one end of each jumper to determine which one is causing the 4/8 error message.
Joe Gores
RV12 Trim not works

Dear Joe, many thanks for your help, made the trim work by connecting power to the trim servo from the Autopilot pin (17 & 19). Plane hed its first flight last Saturday. Tomorrow I will fly it again. First flight had high CHT temp225-235 degrees. Changed the engine coolant to 50/50 instead of pure coolant, also my proppeler pitch was set to a high angle, went to a mid point and will test. Do you suggest any other reason for the high CHT temp??