
Well Known Member
When I did the pre-buy on the RV-7A that I purchased, we noted that the trim position indicator was inop. The seller had it replaced as part of the deal.

When I'm in cruise and trimmed for level flight, the illuminated light bar is at the very bottom (indicating nose down). I suspect that's not normal but wanted to inquire what is typical.
The indicator should be set up to indicate the centered position when the trim tab is in the neutral position. You can determine that in your hangar, Whether or not you require nose up or down trim in cruise flight is dependent on several other factors. The indicator not being one of them.
Hmm... not so fast

My experience is different than the previous reply. Although I agree that the trim indicator has nothing to do with the flight of the aircraft, the trim range I saw after my build did not favor centering the neutral trim tab position in the center of the trim indicator travel.

In my plane at least, takeoff trim indicates about 1/4 up from the bottom, fast cruise nearly at the bottom, and landing at the top.

The original OP doesn't mention what indicator system he is using. I set the trim range using the trim setup routine in the Dynon Skyview.

This may all be caused by something like the ratio of the trim arm swing in relation to the tab throw, I don't know, but it is what it is.

Note: all of my parts are stock Vans electric trim system connected to a Dynon HDX display.
When I did the pre-buy on the RV-7A that I purchased, we noted that the trim position indicator was inop. The seller had it replaced as part of the deal.

When I'm in cruise and trimmed for level flight, the illuminated light bar is at the very bottom (indicating nose down). I suspect that's not normal but wanted to inquire what is typical.

I’ve flown a lot of RVs & they all indicated differently. Totally depends on how the linkage is set.
Only moment I even look at the indication is during run up (close to center good enough, I’d adjust for climb out by feel). I trim for cruise by feel.