
Active Member
New development. Trim switch on stick and the trim motor are working properly, but the indicator on the G3 Touch is stuck indicating full down. Any ideas where to start?

What's odd is this is the first flight after inspecting the trim motor for SD00001. I was present for the inspection...we never touched the connectors.
Three things.. First, check the voltage on pin 2 (pin 1 is ground) of the motor. The voltage should vary with the position of the motor. That's probably easiest to check. Perhaps when reconnecting the motor connector, pin 2 got unseated ?

Second thing, I THINK that there is a calibration to be done - so the EFIS knows what voltage represents full-down and which indicates full-UP. Maybe you uploaded new software or the calibration got reset somehow? If you didnt swap out your motor with a new motor.. then i doubt this is the problem.

Lastly, and I know its a pain to take the access panels off.. I suppose its possible you mis-pinned the DB9 trim connector that connects to the power module. Or one of the crimps came apart. The color sequence from pin 1-5 should be orange, green, blue, white black; per Page 5 of the electrical diagrams.
The trim servo has 5 wires. Two of them are for the motor. The other 3 are
for the POT (potentiometer). The two circuits are completely separate.
There is no need to check the motor wires. It is
best test is to measure voltage with everything connected, if possible. One
wire should have 5 volts, one is 0 volts (ground). And the 3rd wire should have
between 0 and 5 volts depending on the position of the trim tab. If unable to
test with wires connected, the trim pot can be checked with an ohmmeter.
According to THIS THREAD, the total pot resistance is likely 5000 ohms.
The center wiper of the pot will have less than 5K ohms compared to the other
two ends of the pot. The resistance of the center wiper depends on the servo position.
Chances are that the problem is with aircraft wiring and not within the servo.