
Well Known Member
In Glass Cockpit david.perl wrote (regarding Dynon Skyview)
..........an intermittent issue with the S/V AP head which had been returned for repair. This would have grounded the aircraft as the electric trim is wired through this module and becomes inoperative when this unit fails.

Is the trim in RV-12 with Garmin G3X inop if one of the Garmin avionics box's fail?
Hello John,

Failure or removal of a GMC 305 and GMC 307 autopilot control panel in a G3X Touch system does not in any way affect the trim system.

The trim signals pass through the GSA28 servos in a G3X Touch system (which are responsible for running the trim motors when the autopilot is engaged).

If you were to have a problem with a GSA28 autopilot servo and power it off, a relay inside the servo drops and the two trim wire connections pass straight through the servo and trim function is not affected.

If you remove a GSA28 servo for repair, the GSA28 servos come with a GSA28 Removal Adapter (shown in section 14 of installation manual) which is a small 15 pin adapter that when installed in place of the servo also passes the trim control wires straight through to the trim motor thus maintaining trim control.

As described above, no component failure in a G3X Touch system should disable trim and ground the aircraft - even if removed for repair. This was considered when designing the system.
