Well Known Member

What is the use of the "Trim Bundle, Emp"? I have been reading up the plans, but can not find anything about it. Is this goal of this bundle to use the plates when needed, or has it a specific goal?

Reason for asking: Construct R-917 from 0.032 2024-T3 Alcad. Is this bundle suppose to be used for this?

Thank you!
I'm half way thru my second RV and have not had to use any of these bundle parts to build any of the plane. I have used some pieces for add on items not included in the plans. I could be wrong but the alum. called out to make a part is usually in a separate bag listed as what is described in the plans.
The trim bundle in RV kits consists of material that was trimmed off during part fabrication. It is to be used wherever you may want to "practice" riveting or other fabrication.
The trim bundle in RV kits consists of material that was trimmed off during part fabrication. It is to be used wherever you may want to "practice" riveting or other fabrication.

Great! Many thanks to for the clarification!
Some strips from the trim bundle can be used to help hold several of the ribs in place on the HS when initially match drilling the holes to the spars.

They can be used to fabricate stand-offs for anchoring wiring or conduits.


And they make handy disposable putty-knifes
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I originally had the same confusion, until I realized it was essentially leftovers for practice, making riblets, etc. It was so useful, on one of my orders to Van's, I had them throw in 3 bundles. All the standard thickness of 2024-T3. Great for teaching kids how to rivet, making bracket or other fixtures that don't come pre-formed and punched .. And, pretty cheap, too!