
Well Known Member
I am looking for PIREPS on these radios - both how the radio works and how the built in intercom works.

Not shipping yet

From what my dealer told me they are not shipping yet. When I ordered one in December I was told it would ship in Feb. Now I'm being told maybe July or August!!

I believe the TY91 (at least) started shipping in the last couple of days. To the extent ours was attempted delivery today. If it arrives tomorrow, may have a PIREP in a couple more days ;)
TY91 now installed, and initial impressions are all good. You can control the sidetone / intercom / aux in volumes as well as R/T, and after only 2 quick flights, I've not got it all 100% balanced yet. But no concerns.

Integral Intercom seems fine, as do AoA / EMS inputs from D-180.

As a radio it works fine, and the small controller takes up little panel space, and has let me tuck the radio away elsewhere with a short aerial lead.

Clearly aesthetics work well with the TT21 if you go that route - see pic

Have set a thottle switch setup where aft clicks cycle through the memories, and fwd click toggles active/standby freq - which is great.

Any specifics please ask away...
Got a very apologetic and polite email from Trig today (I'm waiting on the TY91 too, and already have the TT22 transponder installed).

The TY91 was delayed by unanticipated certification problems initially, then in the first batch there were a small number of radios where they were not completely happy with the quality control so they delayed releasing it to market.

They are only just now shipping and trying to catch up with orders. I have heard good reports about the transponders and a friend of mine just flew in a warbird in the UK with what he said was an early version of the com, saying that it worked really well.