
Well Known Member
I am currently installing a Trig/Dynon 261 remote transponder and although I have checked and rechecked the wiring, the AFS-5500 unit that I am using is not recognising the unit at all.

I have found a note that suggests without the HEX code and tail number the unit will not present at all. I don't have any of these as yet.

I need to know if this is because if the unit is faulty I will need to send it back from Australia to the states.

Can anyone advise if there are some tricks to this installation?

Thanks in advance.
You could probably try putting in a dummy hex code you find online and the rego VH-TEST to replace the default value and seeing if that works.

From what I saw on the Dynon forums, if you haven't configured the rego & hex code, the SkyView network will recognise the transponder, but not allow it out of Standby. I can't imagine the AFS setup is substantially different.

Dumb question, but there is power getting to the transponder isn't there? It is not powered by the EFIS.
Test HEX and Tail code = no joy

I have now tried the HEX and tail code and have still got no response from the transponder. I think it is a dead unit as I have tried it now in two locations (i.e. each of the different serial ports on different head units and no response.

Any other options out there?
Contact DYNON and they will help. They have been extremely helpful the few times I have had issues with their equipment, which have mostly been my mistakes.
The dead can come back to life with the correct software...

You need to be running at least software version : Vx9.05.01 for the transponder to talk to the EFIS.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
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Zombies live.....

Well, it seems that the software may be the issue. I have updated to a recent software version. Not sure if it is on the website as yet or an official release, however, looking good.

The access to the remote transponder seems to be active. I did not have time before work to do a complete test and cycle the serial port, however, looks pretty good to start with.

As always, thanks Rob.