
I'm New Here
Anyone familiar with Trig Avionics? I just heard of them yesterday. Looking for comments, pro or con. I've been looking at their TY 91 Com and TT 22 Transponder.

Been running the TT22 for years. Great product. No problems whatsoever.

I also plan to use their Comm radio in my Bi-Plane. (If I don't sell it.)
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The TT-22 is a mode S-ES transponder; add a compatible, approved GPS and you're all set for ADSB-out.
GRT sells them along with an adaptor that lets you control the transponder from a GRT EFIS (HX, HXr, etc). They also sell an "approved but not TSO'd" gps for them, of ADSB compliance. They can also be fed with a 430W, 650, etc. Garmin.
Dynon sells a version of this transponder under their own label.

I've had mine for over a year, passed the FAA test and got my $500 (too late for you, now, I think). Works fine.

Edit: If you want to fly up to LVK I'd be happy to show it to you. It's hidden behind the panel, so you'll need to lay on your back to see it!
Good products. A lot of the stuff BK is pushing these days are rebadged Trig gear
I have the Dynon version of the TT22 transponder since 2013 and it is superb.

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I use both in my Pitts and have the GRT safe fly GPS which gives me ADSB out. Cheapest and smallest package available in my opinion. Perfect if you are low on space.

I installed a TY91 in Aviat Husky. Awesome radio. Standby monitoring of standby frequency is clear as a bell. Supports standby frequency tuning directly from a GPS via SL 40 protocol. CubCrafters uses the TY91 in most all its aicraft designs, except for the fancy hoity toity optional G3X equipped versions. Rugged, powerful and simple operation. The remote transceiver (LRU) can be placed wherever you like depending on how much wire you want to string. I put mine in the back of the aircraft which shortened the antenna lead length and eliminated one more coax behind the panel. LRU can easily be removed from base with a simple spring snap latch without tools. The controller is small with appropriate sized buttons and knobs that are functional even with gloves.

Customer service is great. My emails were promptly answered by the guy who designed it at the factory in Scotland. US support provided by Mid Continent Instrument in Wichita.

If used in other than a single seater plan on an intercom or audio panel. The built-in ICS on the TY91, "isn't".

Trig has the option of adding a second controller for a back seater in a tandem aicraft. This could be handy for flight instruction or swapping duties between front and rear seaters.

The TY91 is also perfect solution for panels without much depth like the Pitts, legacy RV-3 or any aiframe with a fuel tank right in front of the panel. This also makes it a perfect replacement for the frustrating MGL V10.

As a back story Trig supplies this radio and its remote transponders and control heads to many OEMs who brand it their own. Freeflight uses a Trig produced control head with built-in digital altitude encoder for its stand alone ADS-B products.

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Could probably go back and forth on this a bit, but the built in intercom on the TY91 has worked fine in my two seater. Then again, I don't have anything else to mix in with it like other radios, music, nav equipment, etc. But for those who want just a basic intercom between two seats using either the vox function or PTT, it is fine and works well.