
Well Known Member
Departing Greystone Airport the other day, I noticed all of John Travolta?s planes were gone. Nothing unusual there he is globe trotting somewhere....but wait.......... There is something there I have not seen before. Yup.... someone in the Travolta entourage had a nice shinny RV7 (6) parked on the ramp (just above fuel truck). It's nice to know that Travolta now has a chance to sample efficiency and finesse at its finest. Who knows, maybe he will want to sell his fuel guzzling sky buses and take up all that ramp space with a squadron of new shinny RVs. He could teach everybody in his entourage how to fly and give each one a RV. Then he could arrive as a flight of 15! That would be more impressive than the sky bus and still burn less fuel. Oh well??.. it?s a nice thought, but I don?t think a ride or two in that RV, no matter how delightful, will pull him out of his sky buses.

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He is still at Greystone.He left Spruce Creek. His 707 has been parked at Ocala (OCF) due to runway problems at Greystone.
That's pretty cool!

In a recent issue of Private Air, his new Eclipse parked at his front door...maybe he is scaling down! An Eclipse and an RV! Sweet! :cool:
Still There


As Ollie stated, he is still there, but keeps the 707 at Ocala due to recent correspondence with the FAA over runway conditions (mainly thickness) at Greystone. He still brings in the G2(3) and a new Eclipse has been seen parked under the nose hangers. I have a feeling he is going to enjoy those Cheltons in the Eclipse. The G2(3) panel or 707 panel may end up getting a face lift.

Really enjoyed your Rocky Mountain pictures. Take pictures of OSH for those of us that have to work.
Thanks, Flyrod. Maybe that is what I heard. The 707 being too big and noisy for the neighborhood.

Travolta may be getting rid of the 707. The FAA has rescinded their waivers to operate these aicraft under part 91. They now have to operate under part 125. There is much paperwork to make this happen. At least that was what I understood.