
Well Known Member
I've got a business trip planned to Sydney/Newcastle the end of April and would love to meet any of the RV builders in the area, maybe see your hardware. Always a great excuse to meet new friends, so let me know and I'll buy the beer.
All you have to do is stand up and say "It's my shout". Trust me, you'll have more friends than you can count.

I am fluent in Aussy. ;)
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Gotta Have Headgear

As a precaution against a rush to the bar I guess I better stipulate that they must wear a VAF hat.
I will cross post your message on a local RV builder site in Australia to get it more exposure if you like.
Hope you enjoy the trip. There's more to Australia than just Sydney. Hope you get time to do some travelling.
John Russell
All you have to do is stand up and say "It's my shout". Trust me, you'll have more friends than you can count.

I am fluent in Aussy. ;)

For the rest of us like me that want to learn to speak Aussy, here is what Google turned up.

"I'd like to find out the origin of the phrase "shout", when used to mean "turn to buy", especially in relation to buying alcohol - eg "It's my shout"."
The term "shout" comes from having to call the waitress / waiter. "It's your shout" = it's your turn to call the waitress, and since you are the one that called her you pay. Aussies like things simple.

The fact that I know this proves I have no life, and I'm a very loanly man. It's never my shout. :D
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Possible visit to the Blue Mountains

Bill, I live in Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains which is about 2 hours by train (V pleasant trip!) west of Sydney. Constructing an RV - 6 hoping to move to the airport within the year. Locality is a very popular scenic visit. Be delighted to welcome you. Godfrey.
Hi Bill,
I live in Sydney, and im building an RV7.
Airframe all finished, engine hung, working on panel, wiring plumbing etc...
Im in Randwick which is half way between the airport and the city (downtown :))
youre more than welcome to drop by and say hello.