
I sent an email to the Vans and ask this question, maybe someone in the VAF can answer. "Has anyone designed a simple travel pod for a RV?" Something small, light weight to carry chocks, oil, ...maybe clubs?
I have some pictures of wing mounted pods but I have to scan them into my computer before I could post or e-mail them. Some guys from the SFO bay area had put them on but it wasn't a mass produced add-on. The pods hung below the leading edge of the wings. Sorta looked like drop tanks.
I would like to see a belly pod made, kinda like the Maule's, Cub's and Citabria's have.

A quick detatch setup and shaped aerodynamically to minimize parasitical drag and not detract from lift appreciably.

Needs to be big enough to pack a rifle and a deer!

...or golf clubs.


Anyone know of one uh dose?

:confused: CJ
Belly Pod

Yep, I have seen it done. A guy made one to carry skis and/or golf clubs. I know I have the link somewhere, and once I find it, I will gladly post it.

I have hundreds of RV-links, but some of them I didn't 'name' when I saved them, unfortunately. :mad:
A similar variation of storage was shown in Model Aviation (the Academy of Model Aeronautics) magazine this month. The glider guru put in a rear box made of Coroplast (I believe) to carry his model gliders in the back of his RV-7. It was real lightweight.

Sorry I have not had time to scan the pod photos yet.
I would like to see those pod pics as well! I was planning to extend my rear baggage (RV-8) compartment back to the next bulkhead. Anyone have pics of someone doing that? I think you could get golf clubs/guns/small girlfriends in there then. I know....someone is going to mention aft CG. The stuff I plan to carry back there will mostly be the lightweight tent/sleeping bags, etc.
JetPilot said:
...small girlfriends in there then. I know....someone is going to mention aft CG.

No heavy dates!


Looks like there is a market for the pod. Maybe someone could start designing one specifically for ArrVee's? This could be the next revolution for us since the glass panel! External load carrying capacity without all those annoying STC's!

:cool: CJ
Golf Clubs Fit!

Just an FYI, I've easily hauled two full sets of golf clubs and bags (one is a big Pro Tour bag) in my RV-6. If you take the clubs out, they will lay across the floor, although I did have toe wedge my driver in underneath my seat. Empty, the bags fit across the clubs, and the soft luggage on top of that.

I should have taken a picture of it. They guy on the ramp at the Myrtle Beach airport was amazed as I kept pulling stuff out of the airplane.
Check out post #16 on the second page of this thread.

As far as I can tell, they are no longer in production. That and you had better plan ahead because you need to put two platenuts (I guess rivenuts will work) in the leading edge. Heck, you could probably put them just aft of spar, right above an inspection panel.

As for golf clubs, some people have drilled holes in the baggage bulkhead (You didn't way which plane you have.) and fitted those plastic club tubes in there, with a second bulkhead to hold the aft end of the tubes in place.

BTW, if you own an RV, sell the clubs because you won’t have time to play with those sticks.
Those travel pods on the post 16 previously mentioned are the ones Mike Arnold built.

Go to post 14 and there is link to buy his video where he shows how to make it. I have a copy, it is very interesting to watch.
Under wing storage pods

I saw a set at SNF years ago. I think they may have been the same as the ones in the Mike Arnold Utube video series on fiberglass construction. You would have to search, I don't think the video title mentioned RV's
I have some pictures of wing mounted pods but I have to scan them into my computer before I could post or e-mail them. Some guys from the SFO bay area had put them on but it wasn't a mass produced add-on. The pods hung below the leading edge of the wings. Sorta looked like drop tanks.

I remember that, it was about 10 or so years ago. Some quick Google-Fu and I found this; explains the whole building process. Fast FWD to 1:11:23 to see finished product.

Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5A7_oPAw9c
Cargo pod

I’ve seen an RV-8 with a travel pod mounted directly under the fuselage
Front would come off for access

Looked like two medium suitcases would fit

Similar to USAF travel pods on T-38s
I found another example of a world travel RV8 story published in KitPlanes magazone.
