
Well Known Member
Spring Summer Fall 2010,

RV Central ....not so central....

RV help at YOUR shop.

Jay Pratt will be traveling.
I would like to find some builders that would like to speed up their projects. Let me help the process along. I have Carol with me too.

We are going to be in Montana and Idaho in June. Any one in the area wanting help? Give me a call.

July is open. Till Oshkosh.

August is too far in the future to plan, but I will be open to travel to your project after OSH if there is any thing of me left to fight gravity with.

call me on my cell 817 271 0594
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Don't know if I'll need any help, but it's possible by then. At any rate, if you are near Missoula, give me a shout. I'd love to get together with you.
RV 10

RV 10,
I have built one RV10. I had some help with the Doors and windows. I have a friend and co worker that does magic with glass.
He is not coming with me this summer, however.
June, huh?

I'll hopefully be done with the plenum/ baffles by then, but if not I'll be ready to pay big for some help!!!:D
RV Help

June, huh?

I'll hopefully be done with the plenum/ baffles by then, but if not I'll be ready to pay big for some help!!!:D


I will try to see you in June. Know you are busy that time of year. Send me your phone #. We will have lunch if nothing else. my cell 817 271 0594

We hope to get out of Texas in June. We have a fly-in in Winifred, June 12th weekend. The next week is the Super Cub gathering in Johnson Creek.

I would like to find work in Montana, June and July, till OSH. Flying from Montana to OSH would be fine with Carol and me. Oh?,,,, We could come back after OSH in August if there was work. The heat last until Sept here in Texas. Something to avoid......

Speed up your project, let me help someone in the great north west.

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Hope to see you in June or July sometime. I've got your number stashed away.

I'm hopeful to be ready to fly in June(lots to do before that happens), but I'll put the word out for anyone needing a helper or someone to push them. I've got one friend who has stalled on his -7a and maybe could use some spoon feeding.

Repost this as June gets closer to remind me and others.

PM sent with my contact info;
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