
Well Known Member
I trying to figure out the best way to transport my 14a to the airport about 25 miles from the house. First I have to find trailer to move the plane on it--whether that be a friend or professional car moving company. I have the plane as complete as possible at home-engine and prop are on. The tail feathers are removed.

My questions:

1. Would it be OK to put in the back tie down and pull the plane on to the trailer with a winch? I have seen pictures of tail draggers on traillers with the nose pointing backwards.

2. If I have desiccant plugs in, should I remove and replace with regular plugs. I don't want the prop to move and blow out the descant plugs.

The prop isn't going to move at normal street speeds, so you should be OK with the desiccant plugs.

I would not tow an airplane up on a trailer or roll-back with the tail tie-down. That's a lot of lateral load for a fitting that is designed to (mostly) take a vertical load. I would hook straps to the gear or to the corners of the engine mount to pull the aircraft onto the trailer or roll-back.
This is why I ask stupid questions. So I don't do stupid things.

Just don't do what a friend of mine did.

He was trailering his (almost complete) aircraft to the airport, felt a bump, looked back and the fuselage (on gear) had come off of the trailer and briefly followed him down the road. The trip didn't end well.
Flat bed wrecker is a good option
This is exactly what I did. Tilt-tray tow truck, with the wings on mattress-like foam padding underneath it. An 80-odd mile journey and nothing moved an inch. Following along in my car I got to see some awesome looks & double-takes from other motorists though!

For what it cost me ($550AUD IIRC), the peace of mind and easiness was well worth it!
don't forget insurance


For what it cost me ($550AUD IIRC), the peace of mind and easiness was well worth it!
Same here - I used a transport company after first attempting it with a trailer. I'd also recommend making sure you have insurance coverage for the trip - things happen, and while it would be horrible to have damage to your aircraft, a bit of cash will help soothe the pain.
I trying to figure out the best way to transport my 14a to the airport about 25 miles from the house.

Just transported my 10 to airport last week. I was really worried about best way to do it, but it ended up being a "non-event". Hired a local tow company with flatbed car hauler to do it. They charged me $120. ($65 per hour, airport about 15 miles from home.) Best money I've ever spent. To ensure my prop didn't spin, I taped blankets around the blades. It protected them as well as it disrupted the airflow in case they wanted to turn in transit.

1st tow company I called wouldn't do it do to "liability reasons". Second one I called jumped at the chance. They had seen it done, but never did one themselves. Even with no prior experience, they were GREAT and careful.

I'd call

Would it be safe to assume that builders insurance would cover transporting the plane? Or should I call?
Perhaps I went a bit overboard, but I sent my insurance company all the details and asked them to confirm in writing I was covered, which they did. The moving company wanted me to also pay them for insurance, which I didn't do, since my insurance covered anything and everything related to the transport, time at the paint shop, and then transport back. Peace of mind for a few hundred a year - can't beat it!
I used a two place snowmobile trailer ($50 per day). They are 8' wide and tip, so it was fairly easy for me and two partners to get it on and off in 15 minutes. I nailed 2X4's into the deck to hold the wheels captive and used ratchet straps as well. Did two trips, the second for the wings.

My insurance had a separate rider for transporting the aircraft. You'll need to call them anyway to let them know the new address for the plane.

If traffic is heavy along your route, go early in the morning. If you are loading the plane from a sloped approach, like a the tail when the nose starts up the ramp. Tail comes down quickly.

Good luck!
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If you are loading the plane from a sloped approach, like a the tail when the nose starts up the ramp. Tail comes down quickly.

Good luck!


between the down slope of the driveway and up slope of the trailer, we would have dragged the tail end if my partner wasn't holding it up.

Agree with flat bed tow truck company. Worked great. Just watch where tie down straps go. Be there for loading and unloading, follow behind and offer to pay without delay. They have other jobs to do so be flexible and efficient. Middle morning certainly is best. Maybe even on a weekend.
Out local heavy equipment rental place had two tilt bed trucks for rent, but only one of them was wide enough for a -10. Cheaper than a tow truck company, easy enough to drive.
My 7 is a little smaller but pulled it up on the tilting flatbed car hauler ropes tied to the engine mounts at the gear legs. Had a team of 5 friends and we briefed ahead, each pitched in a helped monitor what was happening - - at each found some potential issue. Engine forward. We picked up the tail and used it to guide the loading and unloading.

The tail spring was pulled between the sides slightly aft. The spring attachment is not good for a mount structure - at least not mine. A 2X4 was placed over the aft fuse where the HS spar attached and used to hold down/tilting force for braking. The tires/wheels were strapped over and down to to the deck.

My near misses - -
Don't cover the canopy, the cover it will act like a sail. At 50 mph.
Beware of the height, it makes normal tree clearance a potential hazard. Be sure to talk to the driver ahead about that.

Good Luck with the transport.
25 miles and an 1 h 25 minute drive time and the airplane is at the airport. Apparently at least one person flipped us the bird for driving 20 mph on country roads with a 55 mph speed limit. I was in the follow car, so I did not see it.

Generally speaking--uneventful. Except, that there was a role of frog tape on top of the plane as it rolled out the driveway.

Thanks for the help and suggestions.